Set up adapter 5 matching on you rockinger-clutch
Check if all the parts are delivered.
Assemble the flange-ball (50T90) on the main plate of the adapter (-e). Use for this bolts, washers and nuts of M16 enclosed.
Provide each bolt M12 of a nut. Screw this one as far as possible on the bolt. Place the washers on the bolts.
Bring the blocks (-i) on both sides on and screw the hindmost bolts (with nut and washer) as deep as possible. Do not adjust
yet so that the pieces (-i) still can be moved.
Place the adapter in the rockinger till the clutch closes automaticly and place this one square.
Rescrew the 2 placed bolts out till you still have a little play between the internal upper side of the rockinger and the bolt
Shove the pieces (-i) as far as possible to the rear till the back of the rockinger. Tighten the nuts firmly on so that the pieces
(-i) are fastened well. The foremost holes of (-i) have to match with those of (-e).
Remove the adapter and recouple him to check if this goes an easy way. Adjust if necessary.
Fasten the foremost bolts (with nuts and washers) the same way as the hindmost.
Test the fluency of the coupling and the uncoupling of the adapter. This one has to be able to move a little without having too
much play in the rockinger-clutch.
Directions for use
Keep the adapter always clean.
Before use, always check the adapter.
Insert the adapter.
The clutch always has to close automaticly and has to be closed completely. Moving the adapter a little up and down can help.
If the closing system has to be assist manualy, setting up the adapter again can be necessary.
Sometimes a maintenance on the rockinger-clutch is required (cleaning and greasing of the closing system).
Never charge the adapter higher than allowed !
When, in use, abnormal noises or unusual driving is derminated, the adapter has to be checked and the play has to be re-
After use, open the rockinger, remove the adapter and put away.
1 main plate (-e)
2 set up blocks (-i)
1 flange-ball 50T90
2 bolts M16x50
2 security washers M16
2 nuts M16
4 washers ø24x13x2,5
4 nuts M12 - DIN439
4 bolts M12x35
1 security shackle 50T
All bolts and nuts: quality 8.8
Please consult your cardealer or owners manual for the maximal permissable towing mass.
Remove any bitumen coating on the fastening position for the tow bar.
When drilling, be carefull not to damage any brake lines, electrical wiring or fuel lines.
Adapter 5