Thank you for choosing Seinbiose to accompany you on your journey through motherhood!
Just like you, we are convinced that breast milk is the best natural food for your baby's healthy
development and growth. Breas�eeding provides your baby with many natural benefits and allows you to
enjoy in�mate and tender moments together. As your trusted partner, Seinbiose helps mothers give the
best to their babies where circumstances make breas�eeding impossible.
Discover the ease and benefits of Seinbiose for you and your baby.
• Electric Double pumping breast pump
• Power, comfort and efficiency
• Independant adjustments and se�ngs
• Easy to clean
• 2 modes : S�mula�on / Expression
• Adjustable 7 level S�mula�on power
• Adjustable 12 level Expression power
• Rechargeable Lithium Ba�ery
The double electric breast pump MOON PRO is used to express breast milk.
The breast pump MOON PRO can be used to relieve breast engorgement when the baby is unable to
suckle or when the mother and her baby are separated (Exp : resuming work).
This breast pump has the following func�ons and features :
1. By a two-phase expression mode, controlled by a program that mimics the baby's suckling rythem.
• « S�mula�on » Mode
• « Expression » Mode
2. The Moon Pro breast pump automa�cally changes phases a�er 2 minutes by sw�ching from the
s�mula�on phase to the expression phase.
3. « User mode » : Mothers can record their pumping sessions. The memory func�on allows the mother
to pump her milk while saving the se�ngs for the next uses.
4. « Reminder Func�on» : In standby mode, mothers can set a reminder for the next pumping session.
This op�on only works when the breast pump is in standby mode.
5. « Pilot light Fonc�on» : pra�cal for night use. Has 2 ligh�ng levels.
6. « Lock Func�on» : prevents improper handling.
7. Can be used with an AC adapter or with the built-in lithium ba�ery.
8. During the S�mula�on and Expression mode, Power and speed se�ngs can be adjusted separately to
op�mize the milk ejec�on reflex.