Please kindly register on our web site to validate your new product warranty and help us
to assist you better in case of anyinconvenience.
ThewarrantiesprovidedbyBertazzoniSpainthisstatementapplyexclusivelytoBertazzoniappliancesand accessori-
es sold as new products to the original owner by a Bertazzoni authorized distributor, retailer, dealer or service
center and installed in the United States and Canada. The warranties provided in this statement are not tran-
sferable and have validity from the date of installation.
Bertazzoni SpA will repair or replace any component part which fails or proves defective due to materials and/
or workmanship within 2 years from the date of installation and under conditions of normal residential use.
Repair or replacement will be free of charge, including labor at standard rates and shipping expenses. Repair
service must be performed by a Bertazzoni Authorized Service Center during normal working hours.
Bertazzoni will cover parts showing cosmetic defects in material and workmanship for a period of thirty (30)
days from date of installation of the unit. This coverage will include scratches, stains, surface imperfections
on stainless steel, paint and porcelain, with the exclusion of slight differences in color due to materials and
painting/enamelling technologies.
Exclusions are labor costs, B stock items, out - of - box appliances and display units.
To obtain service please contact Bertazzoni Customer Service at the numbers below and make sure to have
model number, serial number, and date of purchase ready. This information will be requested by our team and
is crucial to speeding up resolution.
Phone: 866-905-0010
Phone : 800-361-0799
Save proof of original purchase or of original installation to establish warranty period. Copy of the product
serial tag is affixed to the back cover of the instruction manual.
1. The product used in any commercial/business application
2. Repair service provided by other than a Bertazzoni authorized service agent.
3. Damage or repair service to correct service provided by an unauthorized agency or the use of unauthorized
4. Installation not in accordance with local electrical codes or plumbing codes.
5. Defects or damage due to improper storage of the product.
6. Defects or damage or missing parts on products sold out of the original factory packaging or from displays.
7. Service calls or repairs to correct the installation of the product and/or related accessories.
8. Service calls to connect, convert or otherwise repair the electrical wiring / gas line / water line to properly
use the product.
9. Service calls to provide instructions on the use of a Bertazzoni product.
10. Repair service due to product usage in manner other than what is normal and customary for home use.
11. Replacement of wear and tear parts
12. Replacementof glassesandlightbulbsiftheyareclaimedto have failedlater than30 days after installation and
in no case later than 4 months after date of purchase
13. Defectsanddamagesarisingfromaccident,alteration,misuse,abuse, improperinstallation.
14. Defects and damages arising from transportation of the product to the home of the owner.
15. Defects and damage arising from external forces beyond the control of Bertazzoni SpA such as fire, flood,
earthquakes and other acts of God.
In case the product will be installed in a remote area, where certified trained technicians are not
reasonably available, the customer will be responsible for the transportation costs for the delivery of
the product to the nearest authorized service center or for the displacement costs of a certified trained
Bertazzoni does not assume any responsibility for incidental or consequential damages.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limi-
tation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have
other rights which may vary from state to state or province to province.