Available formats include:
Number of digits
Eleven digits
Ten digits
Seven digits
NOTE: If the telephone number is corrupted, such as an alphabetical
character in a number field, you will hear an error tone and the
number is not dialed. Unit displays UNABLE TO DIAL.
Storing CID Records in Internal Memory
You may transfer a Caller ID record to your phone's memory.
NOTE: It is important that you format CID records correctly before
storing in memory. It is not possible to reformat CID records stored in
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk mode).
. Press the
. Press the OPTION soft key to access the option menu.
4. Use the
5. Press the SELECT soft key to confirm.
NOTE: If using handset; WHICH MEMORY? HANDSET BASE shows in the
display. Use the
the SELECT soft key to confirm record location.
6. ENTER NAME shows in the display.
7. Use the touch-tone pad to enter a name (up to 1 characters).
NOTE: If you make a mistake press the DELETE soft key to backspace
and erase the wrong character(s) or number(s).
. Press the
NOTE: The system treats PAUSES as delays or spaces in the dialing
sequence. Each pause counts as 1 digit in the dialing sequence.
9. Use the touch-tone pad to enter the telephone number (up to 4 digits, including
pauses), and press the
Get user manuals:
See SafeManuals.com
long distance code "1"
+ -digit area code
+ 7-digit telephone number.
-digit area code +
7-digit telephone number.
7-digit telephone number.
button until the desired Caller ID record is displayed.
5 or 6
button to select STORE.
5 or 6
button to select HANDSET or BASE, and press
5 or 6
button to scroll to ENTER NUMBER.
button to scroll to VIP MELODY.