Installation and start-up of UPS Keor Hp 400-800kVA
Installation et démarrage de l'UPS Keor Hp 400-800 kVA
Installazione e avviamento UPS Keor Hp 400-800kVA
Please inspect the device before installing it. In case any damage is noticed from the
conditions of the package and/or from the outside appearance of the equipment, contact the
shipping company or your dealer immediately. The damage statement must be made within 6
days from receipt of the product and must be notified to the shipping carrier directly. Should the
product need to be returned to the manufacturer, please use the original package.
Danger to persons due to transport damages
Mechanical damage to the electrical components constitutes a serious danger to
persons and property. In case of doubt regarding the non-integrity of the package or
of the product contained therein, contact the manufacturer before carrying out the
installation and/or the start-up.
3.1.1 Storage
The package normally ensures protection from humidity and possible damages during
transport. Do not store the UPS outdoor.
Risk of damage due to inappropriate storage
For the environmental storage conditions, refer to the indications given for the
installation of the device.
The device must only be stored in rooms protected from dust and humidity.
The device cannot be stored outdoor.
OMD39075 REV. F