Enter menu 28 of the Control Panel installer menu.
Press 1[ENTER] followed by the DGP address
selected and [ENTER] to enter the DGP menu. The
display now shows "ATS1203" followed by the version
Press [ENTER] to proceed to the menu or press the
menu number followed by [ENTER] to go to a menu
item directly.
Menu 1, DGP status (ref. Figure
This menu lists different types of information regarding
settings, DGP addresses to poll, inputs ranges, output
ranges, current consumption, etc. To view all data, enter
the menu and press [ENTER] to view the next item.
Menu 2, Input status (ref. Figure
Shows the current status of all inputs that have been
enabled and the digital value of the status. The range that
is available can be viewed in the DGP Status. The input
numbers used are related to the address selected. See
Zone and output numbering on page 6.
To view the status, enter the first input to view. The
selected input status is shown. Press [*MENU] to view the
previous or [ENTER] to view the next input.
Menu 3, DGP settings (ref. to figure
Menu 3 provides for some additional settings related
directly to the DGP functionality. Use the [*MENU] key to
change the settings. Use [ENTER] to accept the settings
and move to the next item.
1. DGP configuration: selects the number of inputs and
outputs used. Available settings:
1. Mains Power Specifications
Mains Input Voltage (J17 – AC)
Current consumption at 230V~
Main board supply voltage
2. Power Supply Specifications
Power supply voltage
Power supply current
Auxiliary Power output (J14)
Battery Power output (J17 – BAT)
Battery Type and max. capacity
Main board consumption
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Technical specifications
230 VAC ± 10% - 50Hz ± 10%
360 mA
23 VAC typical
13.8 VDC ± 5%
2.9 A max. at 13.8 VDC ± 5%
13.8 VDC ±5% For current see table below
Note: maximum permanent current to power devices external to the control
equipment in the absence of alarm conditions.
13.8 VDC ± 5%. For current see table below
Lead acid rechargeable
75 mA at 13.8 VDC ± 5%
"1 DGP Address"
Allows for max 16 inputs/outputs to be
connected. Shows as "DGP: n" where
n is the selected DGP address in
menu 1, DGP status (Default setting)
"1 DGP+exp"
Allows for max 32 inputs/16 outputs to
be connected. Shows as "DGP: n +
exp" where n is the selected DGP
address in menu 1, DGP status.
"2 DGP Addresses"
Allows for max 32 inputs/outputs to
be connected but requires DGP
polling to be enabled for the DGP
address and the DGP address + 1.
Shows as "DGP: n + m" where n is
the selected DGP address and m is
the address + 1 in menu 1, DGP
2. Battery Load: Select if the battery load resistor should
be enabled on the 8
output. It will follow the battery test
and add an additional 68 Ohm during the test. This option
is required for regulations (SKAFOR). Default is OFF
3. Mains Check: Enable/disable mains check. Set to OFF
in case no mains power supply is used to avoid mains fail
being reported. Default is ON.
4. Static Outputs: Select whether to support static outputs
(max 8) or clocked outputs (max 32, depending on DGP
configuration). Default is Static Outputs.
Menu 4, Factory reset (ref. to figure
Use this menu to set all DGP configurations to default
factory settings.
2 x 25Ah 12 V nom. (BS129)