Affichage d'une fenêtre de surveillance
When monitoring is carried out by group, the display time for each window
is about 2 seconds. A four-channel data logger RTR-574displays Illumi-
nance and UV Intensity in one window, and Temperature and Humidity in
another. A three-channel data logger RTR-576 displays CO2 Concentration
in one window, and Temperature and Humidity in another.
Fenêtre d'un RTR-501 / 502 / 503 / 505 / 507S (Ex : RTR-503 Température et humidité)
EX: RTR-505-V (Voltage)
Fenêtre d'un RTR-574 / 576
EX: RTR-574 (Illuminance and UV Intensity)
EX: RTR-505-P (Pulse)
EX: RTR-574 (Temperature and Humidity)
Fonctions de communication