HS40231120 - 12 Gun Electronic Safe
HS40231160 - 16 Gun Electronic Safe
CAUTION: Read all Instructions and Safety tips before
This is not a toy. This is not intended for use by children.
1. Never leave a loaded fi rearm in this safe. Some types of weapons may
discharge easily, and even though this safe is all metal construction, a
bullet may penetrate the steel wall.
2. Check and remove all fi rearms contained in this safe before returning
it to Homak or a retail store. If the safe will not open, a certifi ed lock
smith may be able to open this product safely.
3. If you misplace your USB key or need to purchase a replacement,
contact Homak with the information listed on the back of this
instruction manual.
4. Always leave safe locked while on display in stores.
5. Not intended for use by children. Do not play on, in or around.
6. This is a heavy unit, lifting may require a fork lift. Trying to lift this
product without the use of heavy lifting equipment may result in
injury or death.
7. Do not lock override keys and instruction manual inside safe. You will
want to keep these materials in a separate secure location.
using this product.