Diavelo e625mi Instructions D'utilisation page 45

Table des Matières


Délai d'extinction automatique
Lorsque l'affichage de la vitesse in-
dique OFF, actionner les touches
[ + ] / [ – ] pour choisir une valeur entre
automatic off time
1 et 9. Les chiffres indiquent le nombre
Speed limit Setting
de minutes avant l'extinction automa-
When the speed field displays oFF, press
tique de l'écran.
choose a figure between 1 and 9. the figures indicate
the minutes that it takes to automatically shut down
Appuyer ensuite brièvement (< 0,3
the display.
seconde) sur la touche [ i ] pour ouvrir
After this setting, briefly press
l'affichage pour le réglage des mes-
enter the setting interface of maintenance warning.
sages de maintenance.
(< 0.3 seconds) to
error Code Definitions
the MAX-C966 display can show e-bike faults. When a
L'affichage de la vitesse indique b01
field one of the following error codes will be displayed:
et l'indicateur kilométrique affiche la
Maintenance Warning
limite de vitesse.
Battery Communication
(can be deactivated)
Error Code
Error Description
Actionner brièvement (< 0,3 seconde)
the speed field displays b01 and the distance field
When the speed field displays nnA, press
la touche [ i ] pour afficher successi-
choose either 0 or 1. 0 disables the function while 1
displays the speed limit. Press
Brake enabled
vement des informations supplémen-
enables it.
to see the other information in sequence. After this
taires. Appuyer ensuite deux fois rapi-
After this setting, briefly press
the throttle has not returned home
setting, press
dement (< 0,3 seconde) sur la touche
enter the setting interface of password input.
[ i ] pour quitter le menu.
throttle fault
• only when communication has been establis-
Les informations suivantes seront
hed between the battery and the controller the
uniquement affichées si la batterie et
Low voltage protection
l'unité de commande communiquent
following information will be displayed, otherwise
entre elles. Autrement quatre traits
overvoltage protection
the display will only show "- - - -".
« - - - - » apparaissent.
Motor hall signal cable fault
Motor phase cable fault
Controller temperature sensor failure
Current sensor failure
Battery temperature fault
Speed sensor fault
Maintenance Warning Setting
L'écran peut afficher des incidents
techniques de l'e-bike. Lors de la
the display will prompt maintenance necessity based
BMS communication fault
détection d'une erreur, le symbole
on such information as the accumulated riding dis-
apparaît.Veuillez contacter le service
tance and the battery charge cycles.
Communication fault
e-bike Jumbo Markt AG.
• When the accumulated total riding distance
exceeds 5,000 km (can be customized by the
manufacturer), the display will show the symbol
. When the display is started up, the
sign for accumulated riding distance will flash
Error display
for 4 seconds, indicating that maintenance is
• When the number of battery charge cycles ex-
ceeds 100 (can be customized by the manufactu-
rer), the display will the symbol
Affichage des erreurs
Error display
the display is started up, the sign for battery will
DEALER MAnuAL Max Drive SySteM
overvoltage pr
Motor hall sign
Motor phase c
(< 0.3 seconds)
Controller tem
(< 0.3 seconds) to
twice (< 0.3 seconds) to exit the
Current sensor
Battery temper
Speed sensor f
BMS communi
. When


Table des Matières

Table des Matières