The REC.AIRSENS RF receiver has a relay and analogue 0-10V signal output.
Both will always be active and their response will depend on the conditions de-
scribed below.
Analogue signal output
The REC.AIRSENS RF receiver will replicate a 0-10V output signal when the
AIRSENS RF transmitter paired is working in operational modes MF2, MF3 or
MF4. In case of having several paired transmitters, the 0-10V output reference
from the receiver to the ventilation unit will be the highest value.
Relay output
The REC.AIRSENS RF receiver will replicate the relay output by the AIRSENS
RF transmitter while in MF1 operational mode. For multiple paired devices, the
change in condition of any AIRSENS RF relay will activate the REC.AIRSENS RF
receiver's relay output. I.e. if even only one AIRSENS RF relay changes condition,
then this will be enough to change the relay output from receiver REC.AIRSENS RF.
Relay ON if Vout > 8Vdc
Relay OFF if Vout < 7Vdc
Note: 1V hysteresis
The manual method of resetting all paired devices is by following this sequence
(see Fig. 1)
1. REC.AIRSENS RF microswitches position:
SW1, 2 = ON
SW3, 4 = OFF
2. LEDs D1 - D4 blink
3. REC.AIRSENS RF microswitches position:
SW1, 2, 3, 4 = OFF
Then, automatically, the 2-minute window for pairing starts.
If an AIRSENS RF previously paired is needed to be paired again with a new
receiver and it is located in the same coverage area, the pairing code must be
deleted. Find the S2 button located on the AIRSENS RF transmitter and press
it continuously for 10 seconds (see Fig. 2). D17 LED will fl ash 20 times once the
code is erased.