This radio-controlled car is not a toy. Always drive your car with a sense of responsibility.
Read the instructions before use. Never drive your car in public areas or playgrounds.
Never drive on public roads as this can cause accidents. Always keep the environment in mind. Don't drive the car in places where the noice can be
disturbing. Never drive your car in the neighbourhood of heat sources or fl ames.
Check whether there is no one driving another car on the same frequency. This can result to interferences or complete incontrolability of the car. Only
use special model car fuel. Never use other fuels that are explosive or fi re hazardous. A wrong use of the fuel can cause serious injuries or damages.
Only the user is responsible for the use of these products. Protech assumes no liability for the use of this model car.
Your XT4 is 90% ready built but we advice to check the following points before driving.
1. Check that all nuts and bolts, screws are tight.
2. Check that the batteries in the transmitter and the car are fully charged.
3. Adjust steering rod and trim to make the car drive straight when the stick is in the middle.
4. Adjust the throttle push rod so that the carburetor is open about 1-2mm when the throttle stick is in the neutral position.
5. Always drive with an air-fi lter. Driving without air-fi lter will cause serious damage to your engine.
6. Check wether the silicone fuel tubing is not split or damaged.
7. Put a little oil on all moving parts i.e.: ball bearings, bushings and ball links.
Before driving the engine needs to be broken in.The fi rst test drives are always done with a certain precaution and driven slowly.
The engine and muffl er become very hot during the use of the car and can cause severe burns. Never touch the rotating parts. They can cause serious
injuries as they have a high RPM. Only use the fuel in open air and keep out of reach of children or heat sources. Never fi ll the fuel tank when the start
battery is attached to the motor. The fuel is toxic, avoid therefore all contact with skin or eyes.
Let the engine and muffl er cool down before doing the maintenance of the car. Never leave fuel in the fuel tank. It is very important to keep the air fi lter
clean. Use air fi lter oil (item N° LX906) on the air fi lter to avoid sand getting in the engine.
1. Tighten all screws and use nut and stud locker to secure all screws that make metal/metal contact.
2. Check all screws again after the fi rst hour of driving. Check whether the differential is well lubricated.
3. Before driving, make sure that all bushings of wheels and transmission are well lubricated.
4. Don't forget to glue the tyres onto the rims with CA glue.
5. Check on a regulary basis the oil level in the shock absorbers.
We recommend using Protech Daytona or Tornado fuel for running in and driving your Protech car.
Your Protech SX-12 comes fi tted with a pull start system. To start the engine we recommend to use short sharp pulls on the pull start, never pull the pull
start to the end of the chord as it is likely to break the pull start. If you can not turn the motor over with the pull start do not force it!! Try to loosen the
glow plug on top of the engine and try again. If the motor still will not turn over then release the fuel tubing from the carburetor and take the glow plug
out , empty the engine of fuel by pulling on the pull start a few times.
The fi rst needle to set up is the main needle that controls the fl ow of fuel at full throttle. Before running your SX-12 turn the needle clockwise until it is
closed. When the needle is fully closed, turn the needle two turn's open(anti-clockwise),this is the running in position. The next needle to adjust is the
low-end needle, this is on the side of the carburetor. Turn the low-end needle until it is fl ush with the side of the carburetor. Now try to start the car as
described above. The engine should run rich ( a lot of smoke), drive the car very gently in the beginning to let the motor warm up. The engine will not
produce a lot of power but we rec om mend keeping these settings for the fi rst half an hour.
Once you have run the car for half an hour you can begin to lean the motor out by turning the main needle clock wise. Only turn 1/8 of a turn at time, as
you turn the needle inwards the RPM will raise. If you turn it too far the motor will begin to lose RPM and stop when you give full throttle. If this happens
then you must open (anti-clockwise) the needle again until the motor runs with not too much smoke. Once you have the top end set up you can adjust
the low-end needle. You do this by running the car at idle for around 10 seconds and then give full throttle, if the motor stutters and picks up RPM slowly
then the low end needle is too rich (to much fuel) you must turn the needle inwards (clockwise). If the motor picks quickly but then begins to die as you
open the throttle, the low-end needle is too lean (not enough fuel). You must open the low-end needle (anti-clockwise)
The adjustment of the main needle and the low-end needle can effect each other, so when you adjust one needle you might need to adjust the other
2 - XT4