PHOTOS 26 & 27. Put the guardrail support 96 into place. Glue the guardrail veneer 94 and the clamps 95. Assemble and glue
the wheel protector 97 and the track cleaners 98 to the hub axles centres. Glue the safety fenders 99. Paint the parts using the
step-by-step photos of the sample shown on page 7 as a guide.
PHOTO 28. Assemble and glue on the chassis. Glue on the bumpers 100, the beams 101 and between the beams, glue the
hooks 103 previously running them through a ø 1,5 mm hole that you have made in the axle support pieces 102.
PHOTOS 29 – 31. Fit the parts 104, 105 and 106 and glue them together to make up the wheels support. Insert the axle 107
and the hoops 108 and glue the wheels to the ends. Finally glue the hoops to the axle to centre the assembly and make sure
that the wheels turn freely. Attach the assembly just using two screws 109 (do not glue it to the chassis) in case you want to
remove it one day to motorise the model.
PHOTO 32. Use pieces 111, 112 and 113 to form the stairs, and paint them grey. Glue in the cross planks 114. Glue in and
paint the bars 115. Glue the stairs into place. Glue the doors 116 on one side of the tram only. Nail, glue and paint the handles
PHOTOS 33 & 34. Centre the transverse supports 118 on the upper roof, leaving a distance of 35 mm between them. Glue the
supports 119 to the crossbeams, two at each end, leaving an open space of 4 mm in the centre, where you will glue in the
trolley support 120. On the support, insert piece 121 into the upper pivots, and piece 122 into the lower pivots. Adjust these
pieces with two wheels 123 at each side in the upper part, and one wheel 123 on each side of the lower part. Run the spring
124 through the trolley handle 125. Insert one end of the handle to piece 121 and the other end into the trolley coupling sleeve
126. Insert and glue one end of the lower part of the trolley 127 into piece 122, and the other end into the coupling sleeve 126.
Insert and glue the upper part of the trolley 128 into the upper part of the coupling sleeve, and the wheel 129 onto the other end.
Glue one end of the thread 130 to the wheel, and the other end to the auxiliary box 62 of the access platform. Nail and glue the
headlights 131 on top of the fronts of the car.
We have designed this model with one single goal in mind: so that you will enjoy yourself while building a beautiful reproduction
of a magnificent scaled model. If we have achieved this, then our mission is complete. Thank you.