Figure 3
The number in the lower left corner of each view indicates which Performance
Setting is shown. White box indicates the setting indicator. Red circle indicates
the right hand side (RHS) marker.
Reading the Valve Setting with the X-Ray Overlay Tool
Position the X-Ray Overlay Tool flush against the x-ray image.
1. Align RED center line of valve on overlay with the center line of the valve
x-ray under review. This can be accomplished by aligning the proximal
and/or distal connectors of the x-ray image with those on the overlay.
2. Ensure that the numbers on the overlay that depict the performance
settings are properly oriented for viewing. In this orientation, the right-
hand side (RHS) marker red line extends to the right of the RED center
line. This ensures proper overlay orientation.
3. Align rotating construct (RC) center dot on overlay with the center of the
RC of the x-ray image.
4. Ensure RHS marker red line containing red dot is aligned with the RHS
marker of the x-ray image (if present).
5. The valve setting is determined by identifying the region of the overlay
that contains the majority of the image of the magnet that has the
tantalum ball adjacent to it.