Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent. Place your
left hand on your hip, stretch out your right arm and pull it over your head. Slowly
stretch your torso to the left (low intensity).
Or stretch both arms over your head, using your left hand to pull on your right arm.
Slowly bend your body to the left (higher intensity).
Repeat with the other side.
Outer thigh
Lie flat on your stomach and pull your left heel towards your bottom with your right
hand. Keep a comfortable distance from the straight leg.
The same stretch can be carried out in a standing position. Neither the thigh nor the
torso should be bent forwards.
Repeat with the other leg.
Inner thigh
Sit on the floor with your soles together. Use your elbows to gently push your knees
Put your feet 90cm - 120cm apart and stretch outwards. Keep your legs straight and
bend over the other knee.
Repeat with the other side.
Back thigh
Bend one knee. Keep the other leg straight. Try to tough the toes on your straight leg
with both hands.
Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Gluteal muscles
Lie on your back. Pull one knee to your chest while the other leg remains straight
and flat to the floor. This exercise can also be carried out in a standing position.
Repeat with the other leg.
Put all your body weight on one leg. Stretch the other leg forwards and move your
ankle up and down.
Repeat the exercise with the other leg.