The hand/knee jump
Begin with a low, controlled basic jump.
Land on your hands and knees, keeping your back straight.
Ensure a good 4-point landing. The height shouldn't be important here.
Knee jump
Begin with a low, controlled basic jump.
Land on your knees, keeping your body upright
and your back straight. Use your arms to keep your
Jump back into the basic position by swinging your
arms backwards.
Sitting jump
Land in a flat sitting position.
Place your hands next to your hips.
Push with your hands to return to an upright
Training plan
Follow the training plan to learn the basic jumps before attempting more difficult
jumps. You should thoroughly read the safety instructions and clearly understand
their necessity before you begin training. Supervisors and users should discuss the
trampoline guidelines as well as bodily functions in detail.
1.Practice session
Mounting and dismounting - showing clean techniques
Basic jump - demonstration and practice
Cancellation manoeuvre - demonstration and practice
Hand/knee jump - demonstration and practice
2.Practice session
Repeat the last session
Knee jump - demonstration and practice
Sitting jump - demonstration and practice
To develop a routine, begin with a sitting jump and end with a knee jump.
3.Practice session
Repeat what you learned in the previous sessions.