1. Attach the pump to the solar panel before use, plug the sprinkler head
or hose into the outlet of the pump, make sure the water level covers the
pump, but is lower than the sprinkler head.
2. Plug the power line of the pump into the plug of the solar panel, and then
3. Position the solar panel in full sun to optimally run the pump, the backup
battery will be charged from the solar panel during normal operation and
automatically run the pump without sunshine.
4. If required the pump can be run by the battery in times of low sunlight.
Turn on the switch at located at the back of the solar panel, if the battery is
fully charged the pump will start to work immediately.
Charging and Operation
1. Turn the switch, which is located on under the solar panel, to "ON" position
and the battery will work automatically. Charge the solar product by
placing it under direct sunlight for at least 8 hours. A longer charging time
is recommended for the first use. If the switch is "OFF" the battery will not
work, solar panel ensures the pump works directly.
2. The light will work automatically.
How to Use
The pump/fountain function will ONLY work when there is full, direct,
sufficient sunlight on the pump solar panel (B).
If there is no water, disconnect the pump from the battery and solar panel.
Running the pump dry will reduce the life of the pump.
When there is no sun, panel charged previously will power the fountain
water and light for minimum a few of hours. In the circumstances of
a period of time with no Sun, it will not work due to battery charged
consumption being used up.
If the fountain is not used or before transport, please disconnect pump
from the battery.
The battery is NONE replaceable.