(a cartridge must be inserted in order to access the game menu)
Cheats: The RetroN 5 comes with support for cheat codes that can be accessed and activated at any time
during gameplay. If cheat codes are available for the currently inserted cartridge then from the cheats menu you
may toggle individual cheats on and off.
NOTE: The cheat codes are available as database files that must be downloaded separately and copied to your SD
card - they are not bundled with RetroN 5 itself.
Copy Save to RetroN: The RetroN 5 will allow you to save your games onto the internal storage, as well as
the SD card. By doing this, users will be able to extract their saves via the SD card, and store them onto their PC.
This also allows for users to exchange saves among other owners of the RetroN 5.
Copy Save to Cartridge: The RetroN 5 will allow you to transfer your saves from the Internal Storage or
the SD card to your cartridge, allowing you to play your games without losing your save on any other console or