10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is the signal between the camera and the receiver encrypted?
What does a clear line of sight mean?
A clear line of sight means that no objects are in between the antennas of the camera and
Why does the frame rate sometimes drop when I am driving?
When driving the signal reception might drop sometimes. This occurs as the signal to the
receiver is constantly transmitted from different angles. This is considered normal when
transmitting wirelessly.
Is the camera water resistant?
The tractorCam S camera is IP66 classed. This means that the camera is
well protected from both dust and humidity. It can be placed outside
and can be cleaned using a pressure washer.
Is the camera vibration resistant?
The camera can withstand vibrations of up to 8G.
Can I hear sound from the camera?
No, the camera does not have a microphone. The monitor does have sound support
I am using the camera for reversing, how do I mirror the image?
Please see the instructions in Chapter 4: The Monitor and Related Parts
What do I do if I have bad reception on the LCD-monitor?
Start by reading through the troubleshooting chapter (11). If troubleshooting doesn't
help, visit www.ludaelektronik.com
Will the camera break at very low temperatures?
No, at very low temperatures the picture might tone into red. At extremely low
temperatures the camera might turn off. However, when the temperature
gets higher again the camera will regain its functionality.
10. Can I use more than one monitor with the same camera?
No, it is not possible.
11. Can I use a camera from the first tractorCam solution with tractorCam S?
No it is not possible.
12. Further questions?
You are always welcome to visit our website www.ludaelektronik.com or to
contact us in another way (see chapter 15, Customer Service).