Configuration Options
Vaisala Insight Software
Vaisala Insight software is a configuration software for Vaisala Indigo-compatible probes and
transmitters. The supported operating systems are Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit),
and Windows 10 (64-bit).
To ensure support for your HMD60 series transmitter, download the latest version
of Insight at
With the Insight software, you can:
• See real-time measurements, device information and status.
• Configure outputs and scaling.
• Calibrate and adjust the device.
HMD60 can be connected to Insight using a Vaisala USB cable (order code 219690).
Connecting to Insight Software
• Computer with Vaisala Insight software installed
• USB connection cable (order code 219690)
Figure 7 Connecting Transmitter to Insight
1. Open the Insight software.
2. Connect the USB cable to a free USB port on the PC.
3. Connect the USB cable to the service port of the transmitter.
4. Wait for Insight software to detect the transmitter.