Press Arrow up (no. 4) once to change the digit to 2.
Press Arrow right (no. 1) again → passcode required → press the buttons: 1-2-3-4-1-2,
see Fig. 32.
Fig. 32
Example: how to change a parameter in the supervisor menu
Change of gas constant 2.5.3 to value according to the list in . If in doubt, choose the lowest
value belonging to the lower end of your operating range.
Change the text in the upper line in the display to 2.5.3:
Press Arrow right (no. 1) – the second digit is marked, see Fig. 33.
Fig. 33
Press Arrow up (no. 4) until 1 has turned to 5.
Press Arrow right (no. 1) – the third digit is marked, see Fig. 34.
Fig. 34
Mode d'emploi – ChillPAC et LP ChillPAC Mk 3
010823 fr 09/2022