A claim may be made under the guarantee only
if the power tool has been used as intended.
The guarantee excludes in particular
operational wear, improper use, partly or
completely dismantled machines as well as
damage caused by overloading the machine,
use of non-permitted, defective or incorrectly
used application tools.
Damage which is caused by the machine on
the application tool or workpiece, use of force,
consequential damage which can be attributed
to improper or inadequate maintenance on the
part of the customer or a third party, damage
caused by external effects or foreign objects,
e. g. sand or stones, as well as damage
caused by non-observance of the operating
manual, e. g. connection to an incorrect mains
voltage or current type. Claims for insertable
tools or accessories can only be made under
the guarantee provided they are used with
power tools for the intended or permitted use.
Exemption from liability
The manufacturer and his representative are
not liable for any damage and lost profit due to
interruption in business caused by the product
or by an unusable product.
The manufacturer and his representative are
not liable for any damage which was caused
by improper use of the power tool or by use
of the power tool with products from other
DH 5 SDS-max