o EN 55011
Limits an d methods of mea surement
of radio d isturbance characte ristics of
industrial,sci entific an d medical (ISM
high frequen cy equipment
Limits an d methods of mea surement
o EN 55013
of radio d isturbance characte ristics of
broadcast receivers and associated
equip ment
o EN 55014
Limits an d methods of mea surement
of radio d isturbance characte ristics of
household electrical appliances,
portable tools and similar e lectrical
o EN 55015
Limits an d methods of mea surement
of radio d isturbance characte ristics of
fluore scent lamp s and lumi naries
o EN 55020
Immun ity from radio in terferen ce of
broadcast receivers and associated
equip ment
T EN 55022
Limits an d methods of mea surement
of radio d isturbance characte ristics of
information technology e quipment
o DIN VDE 0 855
Cable d distrib ution systems; Equi pment
o part 10
for receivi ng and/or distribution fr om
o part 12
sound and television signals
T CE mark ing
o EN 60065
Safety requirements for mains o perated
electronic and related apparatus for
household and similar general use
o EN 60335
Safety o f household and similar
electrical appliances
(Sta mp)
Declaration of Conformity
We, Manufacturer/Importer
(full address)
G.B.T. Technology Träding GMbH
Ausschlager Weg 41, 1F, 20537 Ham burg, Germany
declare that the product
( description of the apparatus, sy stem, installation to w hich it refers)
Mother Boa rd
is in conformity with
(reference to the specification under which conformity is declared)
in accordance with 89/ 336 EEC-E MC Directive
o EN 61000-3-2*
T EN 60555-2
o EN 61000-3-3*
T EN 60555-3
T EN 50081-1
T EN 50082-1
o EN 55081-2
o EN 55082-2
o ENV 55104
o EN50091-2
(EC conformi ty marking)
The manufacturer also declares the conformity of above mentioned product
with the actual required safety standards in accordance with LVD 73/23 EEC
o EN 60950
o EN 50091-1
Date : Jul y 4, 2003
Distur bances in su pply systems cause
by household appliances and similar
electrical equipment "Harmonics"
Distur bances in su pply systems cause
by household appliances and similar
electrical equipment "Voltage fluctuations"
Generi c emission standard Part 1:
Residua l commercial and light i ndustry
Gener ic immun ity stan dard Par t 1:
Residua l commercial and light i ndustry
Generi c emission standard Part 2:
Industrial environment
Generi c emission standard Part 2:
Industrial environment
lmmuni ty requireme nts for hou sehold
appliances tools an d similar apparatus
EMC re quirements for uninterru ptible
powe r systems (U PS)
Safety for information technology eq uipment
including electrical bussiness equipment
General and Safety requirements for
uninterru ptible power systems (UPS)
Timmy Huang
Na me :
Timmy Huang
2003/7/17, 下午 02:20