Normal network setting
Select „Yes" for the normal network setting: Select the AP you need with
the NAVIGATE/VOL knob and confirm your selection by pressing the knob.
Enter the WEP or WPA password required for the desired wireless network
using the NAVIGATE/VOL knob. Press the [>] button to select the next
letter/number and press the [<] button to delete incorrect entries. When
you have entered the password completely, press the NAVIGATE/VOL.
button to confirm.
Note: The following characters can be entered on the unit:
Numbers (from 0 - 9)
Letters (from A (a) to Z (z))
Special characters: DEL, @, space, !, „, #, $, %, &, *, ‚, + and ,
WPS PBC network configuration
Select „Yes WPS" if you want to connect to a wireless network (WPS PBC):
If you are using a router with a WPS button, you can easily connect to the
network using the WPS function. Open the WPS function and press the
WPS button on your router within 120 seconds. Select „No" if you do not
want to connect to the network at this time.
No network setting
Select „No" if you do not wish to establish a network connection at this
time. Press and hold the MENU button to put the unit in standby mode.
When the current date and time is displayed, the network connection has
been successfully established. The date, time and any alarms you have set
are also displayed on the screen in standby mode.