Technical data S-Bus
Bus system
Transmission rate
Transmission mode
Bus length (max.)
Response time:
The communication is ready 30 s after the power on
For a description of the used registers please look at the register page
Data transmission
Only «read/write» register instructions are supported
Only one register can be written at the same time
The device will respond «NAK» if more than 1 register is written
Up to 20 registers could be read at the same time
The device will respond «NAK» if more than 20 registers are read
The device will not respond to any unknown query
The device has a voltage monitoring system. In case of voltage drop, registers are stored in EEPROM (transmission rate) etc.
Changing the S-Bus address (Pic. 4)
Note: The address setting will only be read during power up of the module supply.
Changing the S-Bus address:
Switch off 230 VAC supply
Set new address
Switch on 230 VAC supply
2400-4800-9600-19 200-38 400-57 600-115 200.
The transmission Baud rate is automatically detected
1200 m (without repeater)
Write: up to 30 ms
Read: up to 20 ms
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Bahnhofstrasse 18 I CH-3280 Murten I Schweiz
T +41 26 580 30 00 I F +41 26 580 34 99