Figure x: Service with red button application (taken
If t he u ser s wicthes t o a nother c hannel w hile a n H bbTv
application is active (either in red button icon mode
or full UI mode), the following scenarios can occur.
- The application can continue running.
- The application can be terminated.
- The application can be terminated and another
autostart red button application can be launched.
HbbTv allows the applications to be retrieved both
from broadband or broadcast. The broadcaster may
enable b oth w ays o r o ne o f t hem. I f t he p latfrom d oes
not have an operational broadband connection, the
platform can still launch applications transmitted on
The a utostart r ed b utton a pplications g enerally p rovide
links t o o ther a pplications. A n e xample o f t his i s s hown
below. T he u ser t hen c an s witch t o o ther a pplications
by using the links provided. The applications should
provide a w ay t o t erminate t hemselves, u sually b utton
0 is used for this.
is shown on the left bottom, can be terminated by
pressing 0.
HbbTv a pplications u se k eys o n t he r emote c ontrol t o
interact w ith t he u ser. W hen a n H bbTv a pplications i s
launched, t he c ontrol o f s ome k eys a re o wned b y t he
application. For example, numeric channel selection
may not work on a teletect application where the
numbers indicate teletext pages.
HbbTv requires AV streaming capability for the
platform. There are numerous applications providing
VOD (video on demand) and catch-up TV services.
The user can use play, pause, stop, forward, and
rewind keys on the remote control to interact with
the A V content.
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