·NE PAS toucher la cheminée lorsque le feu est allumé, la surface est chaude et vous vous brûleriez les doigts et les mains.
Protégez vos mains avec les GANTS ANTI-FEU de GARDECO. Nous vous recommandons de toujours utiliser ces gants.
·GARDEZ vos animaux domestiques loin du feu.
·GARDEZ les enfants et surtout les enfants en bas âge hors de portée du feu. Il leur est formellement interdit de jouer près du
·NE PAS provoquer de grandes flammes intempestives : si les flammes sortent du conduit vertical de la cheminée, votre feu
doit être immédiatement ralenti.
·NE PANIQUEZ PAS si du matières embrasées sortent accidentellement de la cheminée, recouvrez les simplement de terre, de
sable ou d'eau ou utilisez la COUVERTURE ANTI-FEU de GARDECO.
·NE PAS utiliser de pétrole, de paraffine, ou d'allume feu pour allumer votre feu. La meilleure méthode est d'utiliser du papier
journal ou des brindilles sèches comme les brindilles OCOTE de GARDECO. Le meilleur combustible est le bois ou le charbon de
·NE JAMAIS LAISSER UN FEU SANS SURVEILLANCE car cela pourrait entraîner une propagation qui endommagerait ou
détruirait vos biens. Assurez-vous que le feu est complètement éteint après chaque utilisation.
·NE PAS essayer de déplacer un feu d'extérieur si le feu n'est pas complètement éteint.
·Il est recommandé de ne pas faire de feu quand il y a du vent. Un vent violent peut renverser votre cheminée ce qui
représente un grand risque d'incendie.
·Le vent peut disperser les matières incandescentes ce qui représente un grand risque d'incendie, surtout en cas d'environne-
ment sec.
·SOYEZ un bon voisin en utilisant votre feu d'extérieur de façon raisonnable et veillez à maintenir la fumée et le bruit du feu à
un niveau acceptable par votre voisinage.
· This is a genuine Mexican design handmade by craftsmen in Mexico. Use your clay chimenea for warmth and outdoor
cooking. It is beautiful to look as a garden decoration.
· Clay chimeneas are like outdoor radiators, the clay is heated by the fire and gentle warmth will radiate out. It is not
necessary to make a large fire, one or two logs is sufficient.
· You can cook on clay chimeneas. The belly acts like an oven, so barbecuing or cooking a pizza is quick and easy,so is using
any of the Gardeco long-handled tools. Gardeco offer cast iron pots specifically designed to fit into the top of the funnel
cooking stews and soups quickly.
· Clay chimeneas are fragile, so care needs to be taken to avoid damage. Clay chimeneas may CRACK, CHIP OR BREAK if
dropped or knocked over or due to thermal shock or if left outside in the frost.
· To avoid dropping or knocking the chimenea over, handle the chimenea with care at all times.
Do not "let go" of the chimenea, particularly on hard floors, but gently lower it so there as little impact as possible. Drop
ping a clay chimenea, even from 5cm high may break, crack or chip it. If Transporting it in the car, make sure it is not al
lowed to move around, and we recommend the addition of blankets or bubble-wrap. High winds may tip the chimenea
over, so be mindful of where it is situated and how to avoid this. Similarly, do not bang into the chimenea with hard or
heavy objects. Do not throw fuel into a clay chimenea. The impact may crack the clay or tip the chimenea over which is
dangerous. Do not drag or move a chimenea on its stand: it may fall off and break. To move a chimenea, lift it off the
stand, re-position the stand, and lift the chimenea back on. Gardeco supply special wheeled stands for larger himeneas,
so they can be moved around without having to take them off stands.
· THERMAL SHOCK is a technical terms used to describe clay cracking due to the heat of the fire.
The main-principle to avoid thermal shock is no large temperature variations in a short period of time, and not too large a
fire. Here is some advice to help prevent it:
- Before lighting, put 50 mm (2 inches) of Gardeco LAVA STONES or sand/gravel in the bottom to protect
the base from direct heat. Failure to do this may crack your clay chimenea.
- Start the fire with balled newspaper, dry kindling or Gardeco OCOTE sticks. NEVER use petrol or spirit based lighting
fuels. They may crack your chimenea.
- Do two or three small fires at first. This 'cures' the clay, making it harder and more resistant to thermal shock. The
more your chimenea is fired, the harder the clay becomes.
- It is essential to allow the clay chimenea to warm up slowly by keeping the fire small for the first 20 minutes (even after
initial curing). Add more firewood but do not build a large roaring fire which may crack the chimenea and is dangerous.
- Never feed fuel through the funnel of the chimenea.
- Do not over-fuel the chimenea. You are over-fuelling the chimenea if flames come out of the top of the funnel. If flames
are showing out of the funnel, do not add more fuel until the flames disappeared and no longer visible outside of the
chimenea. You may space the logs in the belly to reduce the flames.