Answering System Display Messages
The following messages show the status of the answering system or help you set up
and use the system.
CL (blinking)
- -
An (blinking)
F (blinking)
Six bars (blinking)
A1 or A2 (blinking)
LA (Line Access)
Handset Sound Signals
A long warbling tone (with ringer on)
Three short beeps
One long beep
One short beep (during room monitoring mode)
One short beep (every 7 seconds)
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Indicates the total number of messages.
The voice time/day stamp needs to be set.
Answering system is turned off.
The system is answering a call.
Answering system memory is full.
The system is recording a memo.
The system is recording an announcement.
External line remote answering system.
Signals an incoming call
Page signal
Confirmation tone for the
completion of a function
Ring alert tone
Low battery warning