Growing up
AIBO grows from babyhood to adulthood. To find out what stage AIBO is in,
ask it "How old are you?" It will answer by using its eye lights and tail light
(page 44).
Babyhood stage 1 (AIBO cries a lot)
AIBO is in this stage when it first wakes up.
Totally helpless like a newborn baby, it is unable
to see or understand what it hears. It is surprised
when you first touch any of its sensors. Reassure
it by gently stroking its sensors (page 26) and let
it know that everything is alright.
Babyhood stage 2 (AIBO's eyes light up)
In this stage, AIBO starts to express its emotions. The various parts of its body
will begin to sense things, but it is still feeling blue and unenergetic. Stroke its
head sensor gently (page 27).
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