Heraeus Kulzer GmbH
Grüner Weg 11
63450 Hanau (Germany)
Made in Germany
Distributed in USA/Canada exclusively by:
Heraeus Kulzer, LLC
300 Heraeus Way
South Bend, IN 46614-2517
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale
by or on the order of a dental professional.
Importado e Distribuído por
Heraeus Kulzer South América Ltda.
CNPJ 48.708.010/0001-02
Rua Cenno Sbrighi, 27 – cj. 42
São Paulo – SP – CEP 05036-010
Resp. Técnica: Dra. Regiane Marton – CRO 70.705
N° ANVISA: vide embalagem
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