Stopping a Track from Playing
To stop the USB from playing, press the Stop/Band button. If you wish to
commence playing from Track 1 again, press the Pause/Play button again.
To Skip to the Next Track
To skip to the next track, press the Next/Tuner+ button on the control panel.
It will skip to the next track in the folder or to the next folder if it is the last
track in the current folder. If the Jukebox is in random ("RAN") mode the next
track will be selected at random from any of the loaded folders.
To Skip to the Previous Track
To skip to the previous track, press the Prev/Tuner- button on the control
panel. It will skip to the previous track in the folder or if it is the frst track in
this folder it will skip to the last track in the previous folder. If the Jukebox is
in shuffle ("RAN") mode, the next track will be selected at random from any
of the loaded folders.
To Repeat One/All Tracks or Select Random Play
To repeat ONE track, press the Prog/Play Mode button once (when
there is no repeat function selected). The repeat symbol "REP" will flash
on the top left of the LCD display.
2. To repeat all tracks in a folder (applicable for USB drives with multiple
folders only), press the Prog/Play mode button twice (when there is no
repeat function selected). The flashing "REP" will now be solid, and the
word "FOLDER" will also be displayed on the bottom right of the LCD
3. To repeat all tracks on the USB drive, press the Prog/Play mode button
again. The "REP" symbol will stay solid, and "FOLDER" will disappear.
4. To shuffle the tracks being played, press the Prog/Play mode button
again. The letters "RAN" will now be displayed on the bottom left of the
LCD display. To disable any repeat or random selection, press the Prog/
Play mode button until "REP" or "RAN" are no longer showing on the
LCD display.