Loosen the bevel lock knob and move the
table until it is approximately perpendicular,
or at a right angle to the blade.
.use a small square to set the table at
90 degrees to the blade.
When the space between the square
a n d t h e b l a d e i s minimal, tighten the
b e v e l l o c k k n o b . The table should now
be approximately 90° to the blade.
Loosen the screw holding the bevel scale
pointer and adjust pointer to 0 degrees.
Tighten screw. Remember, the bevel scale is a
convenient guide but should not be relied
upon for precision. Make practice cuts in
scrap wood to determine if your angle settings
are correct, adjust the table as required.
Install the blade by inserting one end of
the blade through the slot in the table
then the access hole in the lower blade
holder, slide the top blade into the pin recess
of the top blade holder. You may need to
press down lightly on the upper end by
using a special accessary.