LD Series | Installation and user manual
5. Setup
5.1 Setting up a simple perimeter loop
1. Turn on your amplifier and check that all the
potentiometers are at 0 level
2. Connect your loop to the Loop 1 terminal block
3. Connect a 1kHz sinusoidal source to one of the
4. Increase the input signal via the potentiometer on
the front of the amplifier until you reach between
-6 and 0 dB.
5. Increase the output current via the Loop 1
potentiometer on the front panel of the amplifier
until you reach between 75% and 85%.
6. Take a magnetic field meter such as OP-FSM* and
make a first measurement at the center of your
7. Then readjust the settings until you reach -3dB at
the center of the zone
8. Then follow the test procedure described in the
OP-FSM manual for an installation that meets the
IEC-60118-4 standard.
5.2 Setting up a Master and a Slave amplifiers
5.2.1 Master loop amplifier
To know the different types of implementation of a
low spill loop system or single phased loops, refer to
paragraphs 6.3.2 and 6.3.3.
Depending on the type of LD series amplifier, the
settings will be different:
• LD1.0/2.0/3.0 series units (not covered in this user
manual) incorporate one amplifier per unit so
you'll need two devices to process a phase shift
• LD1.2/2.2/3.2 series incorporate two amplifier in
one unit allowing you to use only one device for
low spill systems. A second device will be required
whenever a 3rd loop is installed.
User manual
The Master amplifier is the unit to which the audio
signal at input 1, 2 or 3 is connected. This will be
the basic signal. The phase shift module integrated
in the units will then shift this signal by 90° or 0° to
inject it into the next slave amplifier.
There is no special adjustment to determine the
Slave amplifier, only the connection arrangement
will define the Slave and Master amplifiers.
1. Power up your amplifier and check that all the
potentiometers are at 0
2. Connect your loop to the Loop1 terminal block
3. Connect a 1kHz sinusoidal source to one of the
4. Increase the input signal via the potentiometer
on the front of the amplifier until you reach
between -6 and 0 dB of the input meter
5. Increase the output current via the Loop 1
button on the front panel of the amplifier until
you reach between 75% and 85%.
6. Take a magnetic field mesurer such as OP-FSM
and make a first measurement at the center of
your room
7. Then adjust the settings according to the
measurements made with your magnetic field
mesurer in order to achieve homogeneous
coverage in accordance with the IEC60118-4
5.2.2 Slave loop amplifier
8. Turn on your amplifier and check that all the
potentiometers are at 0 level
9. Connect your loop to the Loop 1 terminal
10. Connect the master amplifier via a 6.35mm
jack cable to the 6.35mm IN jack
11. Increase the output current via the Loop 1
button on the front panel of the amplifier
until you reach between 75% and 85%.
12. Take a magnetic field meter such as OP-FSM
and make a first measurement at the center
of your room