3 Puhdistus
Maintenance and cleaning
We recommend that you clean the unit every two months.
ZENGROW™ -pöytäpuutarha on helppo puhdistaa . Pöytäpuutarha tulee puhdistaa joka
If you're growing in your unit continuously for longer than
toinen kuukausi vedenvaihdon yhteydessä ja noin kerran kuudessa kuukaudessa perus-
two months, besides topping it up, you should change the
teellisemmin esimerkiksi astianpesukoneessa .
entire volume of the nutrient solution in your tank. Also,
after every harvest the Aqua Garden by PLANT!T should be
Voit puhdistaa pöytäpuutarhan helposti nostamalla kannen pumppuineen vedenkestä-
cleaned thoroughly to remove any unwanted bacteria.
välle pinnalle, kuten esimerkiksi tiskipöydälle . Tyhjennä astia kokonaan vedestä ja pyyhi
kevyesti rätillä pinnat puhtaiksi . Täytä laite vedellä ja lisää uudet ravinnetabletit ohjeen
Always check that you are getting nutrient solution
running into each rooting sponge. To do this, simply feel
mukaisesti .
the rooting sponge to make sure it is moist. If you see a
plant under stress and the rooting sponge is dry, then the
Kasvatuskauden lopuksi pöytäpuutarha on hyvä puhdistaa perusteellisesti . Laitteen
unit is not irrigating properly. This could be due to the unit
kansiosat ovat helposti irrotettavissa toisistaan ja puhdistuvat tehokkaasti astianpesuko-
not being on a level surface, not enough nutrient solution
neessa .
being in the tank, the pump not working correctly, or the
pump pipe not connecting the pump and cover properly.
Pumppu sekä astia puhdistetaan pyyhkimällä, sillä pumppu sekä astia sisältävät osia,
jotka eivät kestä koneellista pesua .
1. Lift the pump and cover onto a waterproof surface, for
Nosta kansi vettä kestävälle alustalle esi-
example the kitchen counter. Remove the plants. Wipe
merkiksi tiskipöydälle . Poista kasvit . Pyyhi
off any drops of nutrition-rich water from any surfaces.
roiskunut ravinnepitoinen vesi pois kaikilta
pinnoilta .
2. Always remove the pump from the support column and
cover before cleaning. Then wipe the pump clean with
a cloth.
The pump has a built-in timer that irrigates your crop
for 15 seconds every 2 hours. To check the pump is
working correctly, simply turn off the power supply, leave
it off for 30 seconds and then turn it back on. Always
leave at least 30 seconds to allow power in the unit to
dissipate, otherwise the pump will remain on its original
timing phase and will not turn on when the power is
You can clean the Aqua Garden by PLANT!T easily by
lifting the cover and pump onto a waterproof surface, for
example a kitchen counter. Empty the tank completely
and wipe it with a clean cloth. Then refill the tank as
recommended previously.
Napsauta vesikansi auki kuvan osoittamal-
la tavalla .
3. Wash the cover, water lid, tank and sprout lids warm
water with a mild disinfectant to kill any unwanted
bacteria. Clean the pump gently with a cloth or brush.
When storing your Aqua Garden by PLANT!T for an
extended period of time it is advisable to clean it
thoroughly! Embedded dirt and sediment from the
nutrition water will be difficult to remove later when dry!