Principe of the Turbo Chalk
In the CO2 tube CO2 is dosed to lower the pH of the water (about 5,2 to 5,5).
The circulation pump pumps the water into the next tube - the calcite tube. In
this compartment the calcite material is dissolved with help of the most ef-
fective turbulent system - the fluidized bed. The calcite is split into calcium
and hydrogen carbonate. The enriched water flows to the CO2 tube - the cy-
cle is closed.
The same volume of incoming water flows out of the system - you can see in
inflow in the small transparent tube above the CO2 tube. The volume is con-
trolled with the small ball valve. The outflow reaches the neutralizing tube.
In this compartment air strips out the CO2 (about 80%). The neutralized wa-
ter flows to the sediment tube. Most of the very fine sediment, caused by
friction in the calcite tube, sinks down on the bottom of the sediment tube. In
this tube phosphate adsorbs (chemo sorption) at the sediment.
Mounting the unit
Best place for the reactor:
The Turbo Chalk Reactor must be mounted vertically to guarantee the func-
tion. Please use the screws (in the plastic bag) to fix the reactor at a wall
(stone or wood). If you have another wall please use special plugs.
The AquaCare Turbo Chalk Reactor should be mounted in the near of the
aquarium or filter tank. The water outlet hose must be fixed in a slope – the
hose never should go uphill to the tank. Therefore the sediment tube must be
higher than the aquarium or filter tank. You can mount the sediment tube
away from the reactor for assemble the tube to the aquarium downhill. But
please consider, that you need a stronger air pump for the neutralizing tube
(each meter you need 100 mbar more pressure). Additionally you must take a
longer hose from the neutralizing tube to the sediment tube.
Additionally you need an electrical connection in the near (within 2 meters).
The best place is a dark place. If the reactor is in the sun you have to cover a
black foil around the transparent tubes to prevent algae growth.
Connection the hoses:
For mounting the hoses cut them with a sharp knife. For the push fit fittings
only use the black AquaCare PE hose/tube. Otherwise use the connectors to
other hoses (PVC or silicone).
The pressure hose is pushed into the push fit fit-
ting until it cannot be pushed further. The tube
should be gently pulled to ensure that the connec-
tion is sound. The connection can be released by
pushing back the collet and pulling the tube out.
Water Outlet:
The water outlet of the reactor will be made with
the 10mm hose. Please take care to assemble the
hose downhill from reactor to tank/aquarium. If
not the water will flow out off the reactor. The hose must end over the water
level! To prevent turbid water in the aquarium caused by very fine sediments
you can direct the water to a sediment filter filled with fine material. You can
assemble the air outlet parallel to the water outlet hose – if the water outlet
hose is blocked the water will flow through the air hose. The air hose should
never be under the water level! Otherwise the CO2 in the air will lower the
pH of the aquarium water and bubbling sound will occur.
Instruction manual of AquaCare
Turbo Chalk Reactor
B-KALK3.DOC, Seite 5 / 5, Aug. 11
Water Inlet:
You can realize the water inlet with an extra circulation pump or with a by-
pass from the main circulation pump that pumps the water from the filter
tank to the aquarium. The pump must have enough pressure the water flow
does not matter. The best solution is a bypass: you do not need an extra
pump and the water from a bypass contains less sediments that are able to
block the water inlet valve. A water pass meter (option) is a very easy way to
regulate the right water inflow. The water inlet of the AquaCare Turbo Chalk
reactor is at the top of the CO2 tube. You can see the inflowing water at the
inspection glass. Turbo Chalk reactors with built in water pass meters must
be supplied at the bottom of the pass meter. If you do not use the original
AquaCare PE hoses you can use the hose adapter (packed in the plastic bag).
If you have questions or problems with the connections please ask Aqua-
CO2 supply:
For operation the Turbo Chalk reactor you need a CO2 supply, too. Please
use CO2 pressure tanks – other systems with pressures below 0,5 bar (7 PSI)
will not work properly. Please read the instruction manual for the pres-
sure tank an pressure relief valve carefully! The pressure of the pressure
relief valve should be between 0,5 and 2 bar (7 and 30 PSI). Never raise the
pressure above 5 bar (45 PSI)! Never work without a GOOD check valve
(check valves for air are not suitable!). Back flowing water will destroy sole-
noids and pressure relief valves. Please assemble the CO2 hose with a secu-
rity loop with minimum 1 meter.
Air supply for neutralizing tube:
The air inlet is at the top of the neutralizing tube. Assemble the air hose with
a security loop of minimum 1 meter, too. Check valve normally reduce the
air pressure drastically and they will not work 100%ly. Back flowing water
will destroy the air pump. If the pH of the out coming water is below 7,0 the
air pump is to weak! In that case use a stronger air pump.
Electrical connection:
For operating the Turbo Chalk reactor you need an electrical supply and a
simply timer. Please control the voltage of the electrical components (pump,
Chalk reactor control) with the voltage of the supply! Connect the Turbo
Chalk reactor pump and the Turbo Chalk rector control unit to the timer. Air
inlet and water inlet should run all the time.
For optimal efficiency please program the timer with a short brake after two
hours. In the break time all foreign gases like oxygen and nitrogen will go
out off the reactor.