7.5 PT-12 28; PT-30 60 and battery
The PT-12 28; PT-30 60 press device must only be operated with 12 V lithium-ion
rechargeable batteries. The 12 V battery must only be used in the appropriate press
Pos : 38 /RVT/Kurz bes chr eibung/Ger ät + Akku/längere Nichtbenutzung/AC O102, AC O152, ACO/EC O202, ACO202XL, AXI/AAP102 @ 0\mod_1382607497309_18.doc x @ 1524 @ @ 1
Feature of the press device after extended periods out of use or when changing the battery:
If the press device is out of use for approx. 30 minutes or the battery is reinserted, it switches off. No
LED is lit up any longer. Press the start button (1) briefly to start the press device.
Pos : 39 /RVT/Kurz bes chr eibung/Ger ät + Akku/entl adener Akku/PT-12 28 @ 0\mod_1416819629299_18.doc x @ 5977 @ @ 1
Behaviour of the press device when the battery is empty:
When a pressing operation begins, a check is made to determine whether the battery charge is
sufficient to complete the pressing operation. If this is not the case the device does not start. The
green LED (2) flashes.
The battery must be replaced or recharged prior to the next pressing operation.
Pos : 41 /RVT/Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb/Ger ät vorberei ten/0 - Ü berschrift Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb PT-12 28 @ 0\mod_1405928230179_18.doc x @ 2980 @ 1 @ 1
Commissioning and operation
Pos : 42 /RVT/Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb/Ger ät vorberei ten/4 - Info D auer betrieb ACO102, AC O152, ACO/EC O202, ACO202XL, EC O301, AF P/EFP202 @ 0\mod_1382617729764_18.doc x @ 1565 @ @ 1
The press device is not suitable for continuous operation. Following 30 minutes of
continuous operation, a short break of at least 15 minutes must be taken to allow
the device to cool down.
Pos : 43 /RVT/Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb/Öffnen und Sc hließ en des Pr ess wer kez uges/Öffnen Press wer kz eug PK-12 28 @ 0\mod_1405584675232_18.doc x @ 2931 @ 2 @ 1
8.1 Opening and closing the PT-12 28 press tool
Opening PT-12 28 (Fig. 4 + 5)
Pull out the button (B) and hold it (I).
Press both lever ends together simultaneously (II). (Fig. 4)
The button (B) can be released as soon as the tool is slightly open.
Press the lever ends together until the button (B) engages. (Fig. 5)
Pos : 44 /RVT/Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb/Öffnen und Sc hließ en des Pr ess wer kez uges/Schli eßen Press wer kz eug PK-12 28 @ 0\mod_1405584932634_18.doc x @ 2937 @ @ 1
Closing PT-12 28 (Fig. 6)
Press the lever ends a little further together (I), pull out the button (B) at the same time and hold it
(II). (Fig. 6)
Now close the press tool.
Not locking the button (B) fully can cause damage to the device. (Fig. 7 + 8)
If the button (B) is not fully inserted, the press tool can be damaged during the pressing
Ensure that the button (B) is fully engaged.
Release the button (B).
Pos : 45 /RVT/Inbetri ebnahme und Betrieb/Öffnen und Sc hließ en des Pr ess wer kez uges/Öffnen Press wer kz eug PK-30 60 @ 0\mod_1418210582467_18.doc x @ 6013 @ 2 @ 1
8.2 Opening and closing the PT-30 60 press tool
Opening PT-30 60 (Fig. 4)
Pull out the button (B) and hold it (I).
Press both lever ends together simultaneously (II) and hold them. (Fig. 4)
The button (B) can be released as soon as the tool is slightly open.
Pos : 46 /RVT/Allgemeines /#### Seitenumbr uch #### @ 0\mod_1380200837280_0.doc x @ 885 @ @ 1
PT-12 28; PT-30 60