discovery process error Messages
If error messages are displayed during the discovery process, see the table below for
descriptions of the problem.
Error message
"Err#1: X/Y"
"Err#3: XXXX"
"Err#4: XXXX"
"Err#6: GW_XXXX err"
"Err#7: GW_XXXX err"
"Err#6: GW_XXXX err"
"Err#10: GW_XXXX err"
"Err#11: MM pos"
"Err#12: GW_XXXX err"
"Err#13: GW_XXXX err"
"Err#5: Chnl err"
dépanner la connexion réseau à l'uniTé de gesTion
des MaxiMizer™ de Tigo energy
Pour vérifier l'intégrité de la connexion réseau du MMU, commencez d'abord par
soulever le couvercle protecteur du MMU. Appuyez ensuite sur le bouton "MENU" puis
sur "ENTER". Utilisez la flèche descendante pour sélectionner "3. Réseau" – appuyez
ensuite sur "ENTER". Faites défiler jusqu'à "3.2 Test" puis appuyez sur "ENTER".
While the test is running, the screen will display a variety of messages to indicate the
status of the network test:
"Error: checking"
"Cable unplugged"
"Check proxy svr"
"No default GW"
"Cannot ping GW"
MMU has only found X Gateways (was
expecting to find Y)
Failed Gateway communication during
discovery, cannot find Gateway XXXX
Could not find free channel for Gateway
Trying to access Tigo Energy's server
MMU has successfully accessed the server
MMU could not connect to the Tigo Energy server,
and is diagnosing cause of problem
No physical cable detected
MMU is configured to access the web via HTTPS
proxy, and server is not cooperating
Missing default gateway. Either DHCP server is not
replying, or static configuration entry is not present
Default gateway did not respond to ping. May not
be a problem, depending on router configuration
Corrective action
Check Gateway cable connections, call Tigo
Energy Support if problems persist
Check Gateway cable connections, call Tigo
Energy Support if problems persist
Contact Tigo Energy Support
Corrective Action
Check cable connection and re-
initiate network test
Verify proxy settings on MMU. Verify
proxy server allows access to https:// Re-
initiate network test
Verify physical connection at router.
Verify configuration of router allows
MMU to access network. Re-initiate
network test
Verify physical connection of cabling
at router and re-initiate network test