XIX. What is blood pressure?
Variations in blood pressure
Individual blood pressures vary greatly on a daily and
seasonal basis. These variations are even more pronounced
in hypertension patients. Normally the blood pressure rises
while at work and is at its lowest during sleep. (hypertension:
means a person who has high blood pressure symptom.)
The graph below illustrated
the variations in blood
pressure over a whole day
with measurement taken
every five minutes.
(The thick line represents sleep. The rise in blood pressure at
4 PM ( A in the graph) and 12 PM( B in the graph) correspond
to an attack of pain. Important information before use of the
unit Wrap the cuff snugly around your arm, The cuff must be
at the same level as your heart.
Do not move the unit during measurement, or accurate
measurement can not be achieved. Take measurement
in a relaxed position without talking. Do not wrap the cuff
over jacket / sweater sleeve , or measurement cannot be
done. Keep in mind that blood pressure naturally varies
from time to time through out the day and is affected by lots
of different factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption,
medication, and physical activities. Blood pressure
measurement determined by the unit are equivalent to those
obtained by a trained observer using the cuff / stethoscope
auscultation method, and is within the limits prescribed by
the American National Standard for Electronic or Automated