The VeinWalker
The comprehensive massage equipment for
effectively treating vein problems and cellulite
at a very reasonable price.
Sitting or standing for a long time and eating the wrong kind of food: it is generally
estimated that
% of all Europeans have problems with their legs resulting from
disorders of the veins – in more than half of the cases the disorder is at an ad-
vanced stage. Like other international diseases, this disorder is caused by modern
life in a civilized society. It begins harmlessly enough with a tingling sensation in
your legs. Your legs then begin to feel tired and heavy. You discover thread veins
and varicose veins. Your whole circulatory system is endangered – you run the
risk of getting an ulcerated leg, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and you could
even become unfi t for work.
What happens exactly when you have diseased vein(s)? Veins gather used blood in
the tissue and transport it back to the heart. The muscles in your legs and valves in
your veins push the blood in the arteries forward like a pump by becoming tense
and then limp. If, however, the blood becomes congested in the veins as a result of
standing or sitting for too long or being overweight, the blood can no longer fl ow
properly and the walls of the vein are overstretched. This causes your leg(s) to
swell up, leading to an oedema in the swollen leg because fl uid and protein seep in
the body tissues through the weakened wall of the vein. If this venous congestion
becomes permanent, then it is high time to consult a doctor. Medication can nei-
ther prevent congestion in the veins, nor remedy the dilatation of the veins. Elastic
stockings are a tried-and-tested method of supporting the weakened tissue exter-
nally and preventing your legs from swelling up. They have to be worn though all
the time. Vein walking, a special kind of running popular in the USA, improves the
blood circulation especially in the veins and trains all the important muscles – how-
ever, this only brings results if you do the sport on a longterm basis.
Special massage equipment using alternating compression has proved to be very
effective and time-saving not only in the therapy of diseased veins, but also in the
cosmetic treatment of cellulite. The VeinWalker
of massage equipment based on recognized methods which have been tried and
tested in the medical world – and that at an amazingly reasonable price.
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by GlobalMIND
is the fi rst really effective piece
26.02.2014 10:43:48
26.02.2014 10:43:48