Keys, 9, 10, 11
basic functions, 9, 10
special functions, 10, 11
LEDs, 11, 12
Letter quality, 23
Loading a printer driver, 22
Loading paper, 3, 4
Nozzles test, 16
ON/OFF switch, 2
Operating environment, 26, 34
Operator panel, 9
LEDs, 11, 12
template, 11, 12
EPSON LQ 850 command codes, A-8
IBM Proprinter X24 command codes, A-10
PCL III + command codes, A-6
Others (parameter group)
EPSON LQ 850 emulation, A-15
IBM Proprinter X24 emulation, A-15
PCL III + emulation, A-15
user-definable parameters, A-15
Page format, 32
EPSON LQ 850 command codes, A-7, A-8
IBM Proprinter X24 command codes, A-9
PCL III + command codes, A-4
Paper, 18, 19
dimensions, 18
EPSON LQ 850 emulation, A-14
format, 18
how to load, 3, 4
IBM Proprinter X24 emulation, A-14
PCL III + emulation, A-14
solutions to problems with, 28, 29
types, 18
user-definable parameters, A-14
Paper characteristics, 32
Paper guide, 3
Paper jam
how to remove, 10
Parallel interface
connector socket, 4
Parallel interface cable, 31
PCL III + emulation
character sets, 33, A-13, A-14
default settings, A-11
fonts, 33, A-12
others (parameter group), A-15
paper, A-14
quality, A-14
Physical characteristics, 34
Print area, 19
Print attributes
EPSON LQ 850 command codes, A-7, A-8
IBM Proprinter X24 command codes, A-9
PCL III + command codes, A-3, A-4