Treatment surfaces:
We recommend starting the massage treatment with one of the two
different convex treatment surfaces. After approx. one week, the
massage treatment can be continued with both edges. The edges
penetrate deep into the tissue and provide a deep massage treat-
6. Exercises
We recommend treating each area (lower body, midsection,
and upper body) three times a week for 15 minutes each. Ide-
ally, you should treat all three areas during the same treatment
but you may choose to focus on one. After each massage
treatment, wipe down the Fascia-ReleaZer
ensuring all traces of oil are removed.
All exercises can be found on our website and in our exercise over-
Exercises for the lower body
Lower leg, thighs, shin, calves
Exercises for the midsection
Lower back (not on the spine), bottom
with a dry cloth,