Trap for raspberry beetles
(Byturus tomentosus)
The Raspberry Beetle is a significant pest befalling ras-
pberry plants. The grey-brown beetle has short hairs,
clearly thickened feeler tips and is approx. 4–5 mm in
length. It hibernates underground and lays its eggs in the
raspberry blossoms. The yellowish larvae feed within the
fruit and emerge at harvest time to pupate underground.
Beetles emerging from the ground must be trapped as
soon as possible (April). The Butotrap bait contains a volati-
le substance which mimics the scent of raspberry blossoms.
Attracted by this scent along with the white colour of the
trap, the beetles fly into the body of the Butotrap.
The traps need to be placed in position at least two weeks
before blossoming begins.
The bait remains effective for about five weeks. In the case
of longer flight periods or staggered planting, the bait will
need to be replaced once or twice until the flight activity
Reduction of the beetle population:
50 traps per hectare (or about one trap per 10–20 metres)
arranged in a chess-board pattern. If there are further
raspberry cultures or wild raspberries within a radius of
about 200 m, traps should also be placed in these areas.
Installation of the trap body
Insertion of the bait
Remove protective foil
from the bait
Remove fixation tape
The traps should be emptied weekly and refilled with fluid.
Current estimates put the threshold of damage by the ras-
pberry beetle at five to ten beetles per trap per week. If
this value is exceeded, further measures will be needed.
• The traps are installed at 1–1.2 m above ground level.
The trap body is affixed to the (existing ) construction
or on a separate post (e. g. by means of wire, or
cable-ties ).
• To ensure that the traps be visible to the beetles,
leaves / bushes should be removed to leave a clear
radius of about 50 cm.
• On installation, about 5 cm of water should be filled
into the body of the trap, plus a few drops of washing
fluid in order to reduce the surface tension of the
The body of the traps should not be used with other
pheromone products or bait types.
Affix the bait under
the lid