Important points to be noted
For effective control of a lepidopteran species, the
pheromone / lure trap should be hung out and filled with
a fresh dispenser shortly before the anticipated flight peri-
od begins. Attention! Old traps can be contaminated with
traces of pheromone and should not be reused. Traces of
pheromone from other species can strongly influence cap-
ture results – do not touch the pheromone dispenser / lure
with your fingers! Wash hands after handling.
Number of traps required
Monitoring: 2 – 4 traps per hectare.
Use one bait per generation.
Height of suspension
• Arboriculture: at eye level or 0.1 m above
the crown ( i. e. at the hail protection )
• Viticulture: beside the grapes
• Vegetable crops ( outdoor ): above the vegetable crop
Traps for the same insect species should be placed at least
50 m apart. Traps for different insect species should be
placed at least 10 m apart.
Installation instructions
Assemble the trap following the picture on the left. Put the
dispenser without touching it into the punnet in the top
of the trap and close the hole with the cap. The punnet
inside the case is for the eventual use of insecticides ( e. g.
DDVP ). Alternatively some soapy water may be put into
the trap case ( 3 – 4 cm ). In vegetable crops the trap should
be placed just above ground level ( e. g. on a pole ). For
other crops the trap should be hung at a higher level ( e. g.
above the tree canopy in the case of Zeuzera pyrina ).
The trap can be used for more than one season, the dis-
penser however should be replaced after 4 – 8 weeks.
Checking procedure
The traps should be checked once or twice per week. Cap-
ture numbers can be recorded on the table given overleaf
for an overview of the flight activity of the species. Re-
place the dispenser after 4 – 8 weeks ( depending on the
dispenser and local weather conditions ). If the sticky trap
becomes too crowded /dirty, replace it with a new one.
Analysis of capture results
Pheromone / lure traps allow us to observe the start, the
intensity and the end of the flight period of the males of
a lepidopteran species. To monitor changes in the same
population over a number of years, the same type of trap,
with the same type of bait should be hung at the same
spot each year.
Storage of baits
Keep in a cool (2 – 5 °C), dry place well out of reach of
children. For longer storage periods, freeze the baits. Fro-
zen dispensers ( –18 °C ) can be stored for several years.