NOXON iRadio
Enter WEP or WPA code to connect the WiFi .
If it is accidentally pressed > to move a redundant entry, rotate the reel until the screen
shows the entry being blank and then press Select to continue . The system will automa-
tically remove the last blank entry .
• Wireless Network (WPS PBC)
If you are using a router with WPS/QSS button, you may set up the network connection
simple via WPS function . Enter it and go to press the WPS/QSS button on your router
within 120 seconds . The connection between the router and NOXON iRadio will then be
configured automatically.
1 .
SSID (the name of Access Point);
2 .
IP Address;
3 .
Subnet Mask;
4 .
Default Gateway;
5 .
Preferred DNS Server;
6 .
Alternate DNS Server .
You may choose (Manage) specific network if you have setup more than one network
connection within an area .
Check Network when Power On
Enable / disable WiFi network .
When you enable the WiFi network, the system will automatically search the available
AP . Select you required AP .
Enter WEP or WPA code to connect the WiFi .
If the wireless network connection is not existed or failed, the icon at the top left corner
will have a cross on it .
Manual Configuration
You can choose DHPC (which IP assig-
ned automatically) or manually input IP
address for wireless network connection .
When you Select manual setting for wired
connection, the followings have to be en-