1. Creosote will inevitably form in your chimney and connector pipe. Following these steps will help reduce the
rate of build up.
2. BURN ONLY SEASONED WOOD that has dried for at least one year. (<20% humidity by weight)
3. Burn hardwood rather than softwood. Hardwood is denser or heavier wood and burns hotter.
4. Do not attempt to burn (or mix in) green or wet wood. The use of green or wet wood will cause a rapid build
up of creosote. Wood that hisses, sizzles and blackens without igniting in five minutes must be considered too
wet to burn.
5. Do not attempt to extend the burn time by using wet wood. Not only does burning wet wood rapidly build
up creosote, but it reduces the heat output by up to 25 percent.
6. Burn the stove with the primary air inlet control wide open (pushed in) for 10-25 minutes every time fresh
wood is loaded into the stove. Do not load more than ¼ to ½ of the fuel capacity at one time. Loading too
much wood at once will cause excessive smoke which contains creosote. Mature fires or coals produce very
little creosote-producing smoke.
7. Burn with the primary air control open (pushed in) for several minutes at numerous intervals throughout the
day, being careful not to over fire the unit. Following this process will help to warm the chimney and reduce
the amount of creosote forming condensation within the chimney.
8. Establish a routine for the handling of fuel, firing, and operating the stove. Check daily for creosote build up
until experience shows how often you need to clean for safe operation. Be aware that the hotter the fire,
the less creosote is deposited and weekly cleaning may be necessary in mild weather even though monthly
cleaning may be enough in the colder months.
Burning wood naturally produces smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. CO is a poisonous gas when
exposed to elevated concentrations for extended periods of time. While the modern combustion systems in
heaters drastically reduce the amount of CO emitted out the chimney, exposure to the gases in closed or confined
areas can be dangerous. Make sure your stove gaskets and chimney joints are in good working order and sealing
properly to ensure unintended exposure. It is recommended that you use both smoke and CO monitors in areas
having the potential to generate CO.
This wood heater needs periodic inspection and repair for proper operation. It is against federal regulations
to operate this wood heater in a manner inconsistent with operating instructions in this manual.
Periodic cleaning of glass will be necessary to prevent accumulations of ash. Acidic ash buildup can eventually
etch and weaken glass. Creosote accumulations should burn off during hot fires. The following usage and safety
tips should be observed:
1. Inspect the glass regularly for cracks and breaks. If you detect a crack or break, extinguish the fire immediately
and contact the manufacturer for a replacement before re-firing the stove.
2. Do not slam the door or otherwise impact the glass. When closing doors, make sure that logs or other objects
do not protrude to impact the glass.
3. Do not build fires against (or that might fall against) the glass.
4. Do not clean the glass with materials that may scratch (or otherwise damage) the glass. Scratches on the
glass can develop into cracks or breaks during operation.
5. Never attempt to clean the glass while the unit is hot; allow to dry thoroughly before reuse. If deposits are not
very heavy, normal glass cleaners are adequate using a soft, non-abrasive cleaning pad.
6. Never put substances which can ignite explosively in the unit. Even small explosions in confined areas can
blow out the glass.
Gasket and Glass cleaning products are available at local retail home centers. Manufacturers of cleaning
products include, A.W. Perkins Co. (www.awperkins. com) or Rutland Products ( After extensive
use, the gasket material which provides glass and door seal may lose it's resiliency and will need to be replaced.
Inspect glass and door gaskets periodically to ensure proper seal; if gaskets become frayed or worn, replace