54F 04 00xXL
Step 8 : Use the parts of step 7, the doors P9A, P9F and P10, ten hinges K, thirty six wood screws A, the
four shelves P11, sixteen shelf supports M, four clothes rods and eight rod holders E
Push the hinges (K) into the drillings of the doors (P9A, P9F and P10) and fi x each hinge with two wood
screws (A). Attach each rod holder (E) using four wood screws (A). Push the shelf supports (M) into the
provided drillings on the inside of the sides. (Three possible positions, but place them at the same height).
Slide the doors with the hinges onto the hinge mounting plates and tighten them with the provided screws.
The hinges are adjustable in three directions. Place the shelves (P11) and the clothes rods on their respec-
tive supports.
Never move the wardrobe by pushing it forward on its legs but lift it up
with two people.
Kleerkast met 5 draaideuren
Armoire avec 5 portes battantes
Schrankwand mit 5 Türen
Wardrobe with 5 doors
First dreams
First steps