PR electronics 9116 Mode D'emploi

PR electronics 9116 Mode D'emploi

Convertisseur programmable
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9 1 1 6
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N o . 9 1 1 6 V 1 0 1 - I N ( 1 0 3 1 )
P r o d u c t v e r s i o n : 9 1 1 6 - 0 0 1
Schaffhausen GmbH
CH- 8260 Stein am Rhein
Telefon + 41 52-672 50 00
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Page 33
Page 65
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour PR electronics 9116

  • Page 1 Side 1 Page 33 Page 65 Seite 97 9 1 1 6 U n i v e r s a l c o n v e r t e r N o . 9 1 1 6 V 1 0 1 - I N ( 1 0 3 1 ) P r o d u c t v e r s i o n : 9 1 1 6 - 0 0 1 Messtechnik Schaffhausen GmbH...
  • Page 2 PR electronics A/S tilbyder et bredt program af analoge og digitale signalbehandlingsmoduler til industriel automation. Programmet består af Isolatorer, Displays, Ex-barrierer, Temperaturtransmittere, Universaltransmittere mfl. Vi har modulerne, du kan stole på i selv barske miljøer med elektrisk støj, vibrationer og temperaturudsving, og alle produkter opfylder de strengeste internationale standarder.
  • Page 3: Table Des Matières

    Grafisk afbildning af relæfunktionen vindue........Grafisk afbildning af relæfunktionen setpunkt ....... Appendix ..................128 IECEx Installation Drawing............129 ATEX Installation Drawings, UK, FR, DE, DK ......133 FM Installation Drawing ............. 149 Safety manual ................153 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 4: Advarsel

    9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 5 Hvis der er tvivl om modulets rette håndtering, skal der rettes henvendelse til den lokale forhandler eller alternativt direkte til: PR electronics a/s, lerbakken 10, 8410 Rønde, Danmark, tlf: +45 86 37 26 77. Det er ikke tilladt at benytte flerkoret ledning ved tilslutning af forsyningsspæn- ding med mindre ledningsenderne er forsynet med ledningstyller.
  • Page 6: Afmontering Af System 9000

    I det omfang instruktionerne i denne manual ikke er nøje overholdt, vil kunden ikke kunne rette noget krav, som ellers måtte eksistere i henhold til den indgå- ede salgsaftale, mod PR electronics A/S. aFMoNtERiNg aF systEM 9000 billede 1: Modulet frigøres fra DIN-skinnen ved...
  • Page 7: Ef-Overensstemmelseserklæring

    EN 60079-11 : 2007, EN 60079-15 : 2005, EN 60079-26 : 2007 atEX certificate: KEMa 07atEX0149 X Bemyndiget organ: KEMa Quality b.v. (0344) Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 aR arnhem P.o. box 5185, 6802 ED arnhem the Netherlands Rønde, 15. januar 2010 Kim Rasmussen Producentens underskrift 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 8: Avancerede Features

    • 9116 kan monteres i sikkert område samt i zone 2 / division 2 og modtage signaler fra zone 0, 1, 2, 20, 21 og 22 / Class I/II/III, Div. 1, Gr. A-G. • Konvertering og skalering af temperatur-, spændings-, potentiometer- og lineære modstandssignaler.
  • Page 9: Applikationer

    Forsyning +19,2...31,2 VDC Modulstatus N.C. Modulstatus Forsyning via Zone 0, 1, 2, power rail 20, 21, 22 / Cl. i/ii/iii, div. 1 gr. a-g Zone 2 / Cl. 1, div. 2, gr. a-D eller sikkert område 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 10: Pr 4501 Display- / Programmeringsfront

    • Kommunikationsinterface til ændring af driftsparametre i 9116. • Kan flyttes fra en 9116 til en anden 9116 og downloade opsætningen fra det første module til andre af samme type. • Som fastmonteret display til visualisering af procesdata og status.
  • Page 11: Bestillingsnumre

    / V-indgang, programmerbar ... 0,4...60 s Kalibreringstemperatur ........ 20...28°C Nøjagtighed, størst af generelle og basisværdier: generelle værdier Indgangs- Absolut Temperatur- type nøjagtighed koefficient ≤ ±0,1% af span ≤ ±0,01% af span / °C Alle 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 12 Relativ luftfugtighed ........< 95% RH (ikke kond.) Mål, uden displayfront (HxBxD) ....109 x 23,5 x 104 mm Mål, med displayfront (HxBxD) ....109 x 23,5 x 116 mm Kapslingsklasse ........... IP20 Vægt ............185 g / 200 g med 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 13 +900°C DIN 43710 -180°C +1300°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +400°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +600°C DIN 43710 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 -200°C +800°C GOST 3044-84 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 14 Belastningsstabilitet ........≤ 0,01% af span / 100 Ω Belastningsmodstand ........≤ (V -3,5) / 0,023 A [Ω] forsyn. Område for ekstern 2-trådsforsyning ..3,5...26 VDC Virkning af ekstern 2-trådsforsynings- spændingsændring ........< 0,005% af span / V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 15: Konfigurering Af Følerfejlscheck

    CSA 22.2 -25, -142, -213 ANSI/ISA-12.00.01 / 12.12.02 UL, Standard for Safety ......UL 61010-1 SIL ............... IEC 61508 af span = af det aktuelt valgte måleområde Konfigurering af følerfejlscheck Følerfejlscheck: Modul: Konfiguration Følerfejlsdetektering: ERR.ACT=NONE - OUT.ERR=NONE. 9116 Ellers: 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 16: Displayvisning På 4501 Af: Indgangssignal Uden For Område

    Alle, SE.BR på alle 3-leder SE.SH Følerkortslutning Følerbrud eller for høj Alle SE.BR ledermodstand LIN.R For Lin. R_0%≥ ca. 18 Ω SE.SH Følerkortslutning Følerbrud eller for høj Alle SE.BR ledermodstand TEMP Pt100 til Pt1000 og Ni50 til Ni1000 SE.SH Følerkortslutning 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 17: Hardwarefejl

    MR.ER RAM-fejl i primær CPU* Hardwarefejl MS.ER Fejl i forsyning til primær CPU* Hardwarefejl MP.ER ProgFlow-fejl i primær CPU* Fejl i primær initialiserings- Hardwarefejl MI.ER selvtest* Hardwarefejl DE.ER Modulfejl* Ugyldig kode-checksum Hardwarefejl FC.ER i 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 18 (stoppes) ved at trykke på 3. Fejlen kan resettes ved at slukke og tænde for modulet. ** Fejlen kan tilsidesættes ved at vælge en anden indgangstype end TC. *** Fejlen kan resettes ved at steppe igennem menuerne. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 19: Tilslutninger

    51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 Udgange: Strøm 2-trådstransmitter Relæ (Aktiv udgang) (Passiv udgang) 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 N.O. - mA 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 20: Blokdiagram

    Potentiometer +24V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 21: Visning Af Signal- Og Kabelfejl Uden Displayfront

    9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 22: Programmering / Betjening Af Trykknapper

    Dokumentation til rutediagram generelt Når du skal konfigurere 9116, bliver du guidet igennem samtlige parametre og kan vælge netop de indstillinger, der passer til applikationen. Til hver menu findes en rullende hjælpetekst, som vises i displaylinie 3.
  • Page 23 Der kan sættes en hysterese på 0,1...25% af span eller mellem 1 og 25% af displayområdet. vindue: Funktionen vindue opnås ved at vælge setpunkt ”vindue” i menuen og sætte øvre og nedre setpunkter. Se den grafiske afbildning af relæfunktionen vindue på side 30. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 24 OFF eller ON. SIM-menuen skal forlades ved at trykke 3 (ingen time-out). Hvis 4501 fjernes, afbrydes processimule- ringen. Password: Her kan vælges et password mellem 0000 og 9999 til beskyttelse mod uautoriserede ændringer. Enheden leveres default uden password. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 25 FR, IT, ES, SE og DK. Power rail: I menuen ”RAIL” vælges om følerfejl skal overføres til en central overvågning i PR 9410 power control unit. safety integrity level: Se Safety Manual for yderligere information. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 26 Txt 6 Txt 6 TC.B TC.E TC.J TC.K Fortsættes på siden TC.L TC.N TC.R TC.S Rutediagram ADV.SET TC.T TC.U TC.W3 CONN TC.W5 TC.Lr TC.K ADV.SET SENSOR TC.TYPE Txt 2 Txt 10 Txt 18 Txt 31 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 27: Rutediagram

    1.2 = Kun hvis FastSet er aktive- ret, og relæfunktionen er setpunkt. Valgbare UNIT: mm/s m3/min m/min m3/h in/s l/min UNIT Txt 9 ft/s gal/min in/min gal/h mils ft/min in/h mbar ft/h m/s2 [blank] 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 28 Txt 19 REL.FUN Txt 19 20-4 20-0 23mA 4-20 850.0 0/3.5mA 0-20 -200 -199.0 NONE 4-20 23mA 150.0 O.RANGE OUT.ERR OUT.LO OUT.HI RESP. Txt 37 Txt 38 Txt 41 Txt 42 Txt 39 Til normaltilstand 1.0 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 29 0000 OPEN 9999 LOCK Verificer SIL-konfiguration 2008 LOCK SETUP EN.SIL NEW.PAS CONFIG SIL.OK Txt 43 Txt 64 Txt 55 Txt 66 ....9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 30: Rullende Hjælpetekster I Displaylinie 3

    Gå til password-indstilling Vælg Pt400 som følertype Gå til displayopsætning Vælg Pt500 som følertype Udfør memory-operationer Vælg Pt1000 som følertype [44] Overfør gemt opsætning til 9116 [17] Vælg Ni50 som følertype Gem 9116-opsætning i 4501 Vælg Ni100 som følertype [45] Juster LCD-kontrast Vælg Ni120 som følertype...
  • Page 31 Fejl på udgang - kontroller udgangsforbindelser og genstart enheden [88] Fejl i FLASH - kontroller konfiguration [89] Ugyldig konfiguration eller ugyldig version [90] Hardware fejl [91] CJC-følerfejl - kontroller enhedens temperatur [92] CJC-følerfejl - kontroller CJC-stikterminal [93] Ingen kommunikation 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 32: Grafisk Afbildning Af Relæfunktionen Vindue

    9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 33: Grafisk Afbildning Af Relæfunktionen Setpunkt

    Indgangs- ON-forsinkelse signal OFF-forsinkelse Setpunkt (stigende) Hysterese Relæ ON Lukket Relækontakt (N.O.) Åben 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 34 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 35 Graphic depiction of window ............Graphic depiction of setpoint ............Appendix ..................128 IECEx Installation Drawing............129 ATEX Installation Drawings, UK, FR, DE, DK ......133 FM Installation Drawing ............. 149 Safety Manual ................153 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 36: Warning

    General mounting, connection and disconnection of wires. Troubleshooting the device. Repair of the device and replacement of circuit breakers must be done by PR electronics a/s only. WaRNiNg Do not open the front plate of the device as this will cause damage to the connector for the display / programming front PR 4501.
  • Page 37 Should there be any doubt as to the correct handling of the device, please contact your local distributor or, alternatively, PR electronics a/s, lerbakken 10, 8410 Rønde, Danmark tlf: +45 86 37 26 77. The use of stranded wires is not permitted for mains wiring except when wires are fitted with cable ends.
  • Page 38: How To Demount System 9000

    To the extent the instructions in this manual are not strictly observed, the customer cannot advance a demand against PR electronics A/S that would otherwise exist according to the concluded sales agreement. hoW to DEMoUNt systEM 9000...
  • Page 39: Ec Declaration Of Conformity

    EN 60079-11 : 2007, EN 60079-15 : 2005, EN 60079-26 : 2007 atEX certificate: KEMa 07atEX0149 X Notified body KEMa Quality b.v. (0344) Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 aR arnhem P.o. box 5185, 6802 ED arnhem the Netherlands Rønde, 15 January 2010 Kim Rasmussen Manufacturer’s signature 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 40: Advanced Features

    • Monitoring of error events and cable breakage via the individual status relay and/or a collective electronic signal via the power rail. • The 9116 has been designed, developed and certified for use in SIL 2 applications according to the requirements of IEC 61508.
  • Page 41: Applications

    Device status N.C. Device status Supply via Zone 0, 1, 2, power rail 20, 21, 22 / Cl. I/II/III, div. 1 Zone 2 / Cl. 1, div. 2, gr. A-D or safe area gr. A-G 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 42: Pr 4501 Display / Programming Front

    • Communications interface for modification of operational parameters in 9116. • Can be moved from one 9116 device to another and download the configuration of the first unit to subsequent units. • Fixed display for visualisation of process data and status.
  • Page 43: Order

    / V input, programmable ....0.4...60 s Calibration temperature....... 20...28°C Accuracy, the greater of the general and basic values: General values Input Absolute Temperature type accuracy coefficient ≤ ±0.1% of span ≤ ±0.01% of span / °C 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 44 Dimen., without display front (HxWxD) ..109 x 23.5 x 104 mm Dimensions, with display front (HxWxD) ..109 x 23.5 x 116 mm Protection degree ........IP20 Weight ............185 g / 200 g with 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 45 +900°C DIN 43710 -180°C +1300°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +400°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +600°C DIN 43710 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 -200°C +800°C GOST 3044-84 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 46 Load stability ..........≤ 0.01% of span / 100 Ω Load resistance ........... ≤ (Vsupply -3.5) / 0.023 A [Ω] External 2-wire supply range ...... 3.5...26 VDC Effect of external 2-wire supply voltage variation .......... < 0.005% of span / V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 47: Configuration Of Sensor Error Check

    UL, Standard for Safety ......UL 61010-1 SIL ............... IEC 61508 of span = of the currently selected measurement range Configuration of sensor error check Sensor error check: Device: Configuration Sensor error detection: ERR.ACT=NONE - OUT.ERR=NONE. 9116 Else: 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 48: Visualisation In 4501 Of: Input Signal Outside Range

    Sensor broken or wire SE.BR resistance too high LIN.R For Lin. R_0%≥ app. 18 Ω SE.SH Sensor shorted Sensor broken or wire SE.BR resistance too high TEMP Pt100 to Pt1000 and Ni50 to Ni1000 SE.SH Sensor shorted 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 49: Hardware Error

    Hardware error MS.ER Main CPU supply error* Hardware error MP.ER Main CPU ProgFlow error* Main CPU initialization Hardware error MI.ER check error* Hardware error DE.ER Device error* Hardware error FC.ER Invalid code checksum in 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 50 (stopped) by pushing the OK button. Error is acknowledged by resetting the device power ** Error can be disregarded by selecting input type different than TC. *** Error is acknowledged by stepping through the basic setup. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 51: Connections

    51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 outputs: Current 2-wire transmitter Relay (Active output) (Passive output) 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 N.O. - mA 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 52: Block Diagram

    DiagRaM Potentiometer +24V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 53: Signal Error And Cable Fault Indications Without Display Front

    9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 54: Configuration / Operating The Function Keys

    Documentation for routing diagram. in general When configuring the 9116, you will be guided through all parameters and you can choose the settings which fit the application. For each menu there is a scrolling help text which is automatically shown in line 3 on the display.
  • Page 55 The setpoint function is selected by choosing ”setpoint” in the menu and entering the desired limit. The device then works as a single limit switch. See the graphic depiction of the window functions on page 63. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 56 Memory: In the memory menu you can save the configuration of the device in the 4501, and then move the 4501 onto another device of the same type and download the configuration in the new device. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 57 UK, DE, FR, IT, ES, SE and DK. Power rail: In the menu ”RAIL” you can choose if sensor errors are transmitted to the central surveillance in the PR 9410 power control unit. safety integrity level: See Safety Manual for details 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 58 Txt 6 TC.B TC.E TC.J TC.K Continued on the page TC.L TC.N TC.R TC.S Routing diagram ADV.SET TC.T TC.U TC.W3 CONN TC.W5 TC.Lr TC.K ADV.SET SENSOR TC.TYPE Txt 2 Txt 10 Txt 18 Txt 31 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 59: Routing Diagram

    1.2 = Only if FastSet is activated and the relay function is setpoint. Selectable UNITS: mm/s m3/min m/min m3/h in/s l/min UNIT Txt 9 ft/s gal/min in/min gal/h mils ft/min in/h mbar ft/h m/s2 [blank] 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 60 REL.FUN Txt 19 20-4 20-0 23mA 4-20 850.0 0/3.5mA 0-20 -200 -199.0 NONE 4-20 23mA 150.0 O.RANGE OUT.ERR OUT.LO OUT.HI RESP. Txt 37 Txt 38 Txt 41 Txt 42 Txt 39 To default state 1.0 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 61 OPEN 9999 LOCK Verify SIL configuration 2008 LOCK SETUP EN.SIL NEW.PAS CONFIG SIL.OK Txt 43 Txt 64 Txt 55 Txt 66 ....9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 62: Scrolling Help Texts In Display Line 3

    Set value for high calibration point Select SETPOINT function - relay is controlled by 1 setpoint [63] Enable Rail status signal output? [64] Enable SIL configuration lock? 0...20 mA is not a valid output range for SIL operation 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 63 Flash memory error - chek configuration [88] Invalid configuration type or version [89] Hardware error [90] CJC sensor error - check device temperature [91] CJC error - check CJC connector block [92] No communication [93] 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 64: Graphic Depiction Of Window

    9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 65: Graphic Depiction Of Setpoint

    Input ON delay signal OFF delay Setpoint (increasing) Hysteresis Time Relay On Closed Relay contact (N.O.) Open 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 66 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 67 Graphique descriptif de la fonction fenêtre ........Graphique descriptif de la fonction consigne ........ Appendix ..................128 IECEx Installation Drawing............129 ATEX Installation Drawings, UK, FR, DE, DK ......133 FM Installation Drawing ............. 149 Safety Manual ................153 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 68: Avertissement

    électrostatiques (ESD) : Montage général, raccordement et débranchement de fils. Recherche de pannes sur le module. seule PR electronics saRl est autorisée à réparer le module et à remplacer les fusibles. avERtissEMENt Ne pas ouvrir la plaque avant du module au risque d’endommager le connecteur de l’indicateur / la façade de programmation PR...
  • Page 69 PR electronics SARL, Zac du Chêne, Activillage, 4, allée des Sorbiers, F-69673 Bron Cedex (tél. : (0) 472 140 607) ou à PR electronics A/S, Lerbakken 10, DK-8410 Rønde, Danemark (tél. : +45 86 37 26 77). Pour le raccordement électrique de l’alimentation générale, il est possible d’utiliser des fils multibrins seulement s’ils possèdent des embouts de câblage.
  • Page 70: Démontage Du Système 9000

    Dans la mesure où les instructions de ce guide ne sont pas strictement respectées par le client, ce dernier n’est pas en droit de faire une réclamation auprès de PR electronics SARL, même si cette dernière figure dans l’accord de vente conclu.
  • Page 71: Déclaration De Conformité Ce

    Certificat atEX : KEMa 07atEX0149 X Organisme notifié : KEMa Quality b.v. (0344) Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 aR arnhem P.o. box 5185, 6802 ED arnhem the Netherlands Rønde, le 15 janvier 2010 Kim Rasmussen Signature du fabricant 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 72: Options Avancées

    • Les entrées TC peuvent utiliser soit la CSF interne soit le bornier avec capteur Pt100 incorporé (PR 5910Ex, voie 1 / PR 5913Ex, voie 2) pour une précision améliorée. • Le 9116 détecte automatiquement s’il doit fournir un signal de courant actif ou passif. Fonctions •...
  • Page 73: Applications

    Etat du module N.F. Etat du module Alimentation Zone 0, 1, 2, par rail 20, 21, 22 / Cl. I/II/III, div. 1 Zone 2 / Cl. 1, div. 2, gr. A-D ou zone non-dangereuse gr. A-G 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 74: Pr 4501 Indicateur / Façade De Programmation

    • L’accès à la programmation peut être bloqué par un mot de passe. Ce mot de passe est sauvegardé dans le module afin d’assurer un haut niveau de protection contre les modifications non autorisées. Montage / installation • Cliquer le 4501 sur la face avant du 9116. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 75: Références De Commande

    Température d’étalonnage ......20...28°C Précision, la plus grande des valeurs générales et de base : Valeurs générales Type Précision Coefficient de d’entrée absolue température ≤ ±0,1% de l’EC ≤ ±0,01% de l’EC / °C Tous 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 76 Dimensions, sans façade 4501 (HxLxP) ..109 x 23,5 x 104 mm Dimensions, avec façade 4501 (HxLxP) ..109 x 23,5 x 116 mm Degré de protection ........IP20 Poids ............185 g / 200 g avec 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 77 +900°C DIN 43710 -180°C +1300°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +400°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +600°C DIN 43710 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 -200°C +800°C GOST 3044-84 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 78 Résistance de charge ........≤ (V -3,5) / 0,023 A [Ω] alimentation Gamme d’alimentation externe pour transmetteur 2-fils....... 3,5...26 Vcc Effet d’une variation de la tension d’alimentation externe 2-fils ......< 0,005% de l’EC / V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 79: Configuration Du Contrôle D'erreur De Câble

    UL, Standard for Safety ......UL 61010-1 SIL ............... IEC 61508 EC = Echelle configurée Configuration du contrôle d’erreur de câble Sensor error check: Module: Configuration Détection erreur capteur : ERR.ACT=NONE - OUT.ERR=NONE. 9116 Autre : 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 80: Indication Dans Le 4501 De Signal D'entrée Hors D'échelle

    LIN.R Pour R lin._0%≥ env. 18 Ω SE.SH Court circuit capteur Rupture capteur ou Tous SE.BR resistance de ligne trop haute TEMP Pt100 à Pt1000 et Ni50 à Ni1000 SE.SH Court circuit capteur 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 81: Indications Erreur Matériel

    Erreur aliment. du CPU prin.* Erreur matériel MP.ER Erreur ProgFlow du CPU prin.* Erreur de l’autotest d’initialisation Erreur matériel MI.ER principale Erreur matériel DE.ER Erreur du module* Somme de contrôle de code non Erreur matériel FC.ER valable en 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 82 OK. L’erreur est corrigée en déconnectant et puis reconnectant l’alimentation du module. ** L’erreur peut être négligée en sélectionnant un type d’entrée autre que TC. *** L’erreur est corrigée en parcourant les menus. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 83: Connexions

    51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 sortie : Courant Transmetteur 2-fils Relais (sortie active) (sortie passive) 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 N.O. - mA 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 84: Schéma De Principe

    DE PRiNCiPE Potentiomètre +24V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 85: Indications D'erreur Signal Et Câble Sans La Façade 4501

    4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 86: Programmation / Opération Des Touches De Fonction

    Documentation pour le diagramme de programmation. généralités Lors de la configuration du 9116 vous êtes guidés tout au long des paramètres du menu ; ainsi vous pouvez choisir le réglage qui correspond à votre application. Pour chaque menu il y a un texte d’aide qui défile en ligne 3 de l’indicateur.
  • Page 87 Délais : Fonctions Délai “ON” ou “OFF” peuvent être choisies pour le relais entre 0...3600 s. hystérésis : L’hystérésis peut être configuré entre 0,1 et 25% de l’échelle ou entre 1 et 25 % de la gamme d’affichage. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 88 à l’aide des flèches et ainsi contrôler le signal de sortie haut et bas ou l’état du relais OFF et ON. Vous devez sortir du menu en pressant 3 (pas de time-out). La simulation sera terminée, si le 4501 est enlevé. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 89 Rail d’alimentation : Dans le menu ”RAIL” vous pouvez choirsir si des erreurs capteur doivent être transmis à l’unité de surveillance du module PR 9410 Contrôleur d’alimentation. safety integrity level (sil): Voir le ”Safety Manual” (en Anglais) pour information supplémentaire. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 90 Txt 6 Continué à la page Diagramme de TC.B TC.E TC.J TC.K programmation TC.L TC.N TC.R TC.S TC.T TC.U TC.W3 ADV.SET CONN TC.W5 TC.Lr TC.K ADV.SET SENSOR TC.TYPE Txt 2 Txt 10 Txt 18 Txt 31 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 91: Diagramme De Programmation

    Choix de l’ UNITES : mm/s m3/min m/min m3/h in/s l/min UNIT Txt 9 ft/s gal/min in/min gal/h mils ft/min in/h mbar ft/h m/s2 [blank] 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 92 REL.FUN Txt 19 20-4 20-0 23mA 4-20 850.0 0/3.5mA 0-20 -200 -199.0 NONE 4-20 23mA 150.0 O.RANGE OUT.ERR OUT.LO OUT.HI RESP. Txt 37 Txt 38 Txt 41 Txt 42 Txt 39 Retour au menu 1.0 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 93 Vérification de la 9999 LOCK configuration SIL 2008 LOCK SETUP EN.SIL NEW.PAS CONFIG SIL.OK Txt 43 Txt 64 Txt 55 Txt 66 ....9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 94: Menu Déroulant En Ligne 3 De L'indicateur

    Simulation relais - utiliser 1 pour alterner l’état du relais d’alimentation OK [54] Permettre protection par mot de passe ? Sélectionner Fonction ERREUR - le relais indique [55] Entrer Nouveau mot de passe uniquement erreur capteur [56] Permettre la fonctionalité Réglage rapide ? 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 95 Erreur dans la mémoire FLASH - contrôler la configuration [89] Configuration ou version invalide [90] Erreur matériel [91] Erreur du capteur CSF - contrôler la température du module [92] Erreur CSF - contrôler le bornier CSF [93] Pas de communication 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 96: Graphique Descriptif De La Fonction Fenêtre

    9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 97: Graphique Descriptif De La Fonction Consigne

    Signal Délai ON d’entrée Délai OFF Consigne (croissante) Hystérésis Temps Relais On Fermé Contact (N.O.) Ouvert 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 98 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 99 Grafische Abbildung der Relaisfunktion „Fenster“ ......126 Grafische Abbildung der Relaisfunktion „Schaltpunkt“ ....127 Appendix ..................128 IECEx Installation Drawing............129 ATEX Installation Drawings, UK, FR, DE, DK ......133 FM Installation Drawing ............. 149 Safety manual ................153 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 100: Warnung

    Installation, Montage und Demontage von Leitungen. Fehlersuche im Gerät. Reparaturen des gerätes und austausch von sicherungen dürfen nur von PR electronics a/s vorgenommen werden. WaRNUNg Die Frontplatte des Gerätes darf nicht geöffnet werden, weil hier durch die Kontakte zur Kontaktierung des Frontdisplays 4501 beschädigt werden können.
  • Page 101 Händler vor Ort Kontakt aufnehmen. Sie können aber auch direkt mit PR electronics gmbh, im Erlengrund 26, D-46149 oberhausen, (tel.: (0) 208 62 53 09-0) oder mit PR electronics a/s, lerbakken 10, DK-8410 Rønde, Dänemark (tel.: +45 86 37 26 77) Kontakt aufnehmen.
  • Page 102 Wasser leicht angefeuchtet ist. haFtUNg In dem Umfang, in welchem die Anweisungen dieses Handbuches nicht genau eingehalten werden, kann der Kunde PR electronics gegenüber keine Ansprüche geltend machen, welche ansonsten entsprechend der eingegange- nen Verkaufsvereinbarungen existieren können.
  • Page 103: Eg-Konformitätserklärung

    EN 60079-11 : 2007, EN 60079-15 : 2005, EN 60079-26 : 2007 atEX-Zertifikat: KEMa 07atEX0149 X Zulassungsstelle: KEMa Quality b.v. (0344) Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 aR arnhem P.o. box 5185, 6802 ED arnhem the Netherlands Rønde, 15. Januar 2010 Kim Rasmussen Unterschrift des Herstellers 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 104: Erweiterte Merkmale

    • Kontrolle von Fehlern und Kabelbruch über das einzelne Statusrelais und / oder eine gemeinsame elektronische Sammelmeldung über die Power Rail. • Der 9116 wurde entwickelt und zertifiziert für SIL 2-Anwendungen entsprechend den Anforderungen der Richtlinie IEC 61508. technische Merkmale •...
  • Page 105 Versorgung +19,2...31,2 VDC Gerätestatus N.C. Gerätestatus Versorgung über Zone 0, 1, 2, Power Rail 20, 21, 22 / Cl. i/ii/iii, Div. 1 gr. a-g Zone 2 / Cl. 1, Div. 2, gr. a-D oder sicherer bereich 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 106: Anwendungen

    • Kommunikationsschnittstelle zur Änderung der operativen Parameter im 9116. • Kann von einem 9116 auf das nächste gesteckt werden um die Daten des ersten Messumformers auf den nächsten zu übertragen. • Wenn das Gerät im Prozess integriert ist, zeigt das Display die entsprechen- den Prozesswerte und den jeweiligen Prozessstatus an.
  • Page 107: Bestellangaben

    / V-Eingang, programmierbar ..0,4...60 s Kalibrierungstemperatur ......20...28°C Genauigkeit: Der höhere Wert der allgemeinen Werte oder Grundwerte: allgemeine Werte Eingangs- Absolute Temperatur- Genauigkeit koeffizient ≤ ±0,1% d. Messsp. ≤ ±0,01% d. Messsp. / °C Alle 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 108 Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit ......< 95% RF (nicht kond.) Abmessungen, ohne Frontdisplay (HxBxT) .. 109 x 23,5 x 104 mm Abmessungen, mit Frontdisplay (HxBxT) ..109 x 23,5 x 116 mm Schutzart ............. IP20 Gewicht ............185 g / 200 g mit 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 109 +900°C DIN 43710 -180°C +1300°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -50°C +1760°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +400°C IEC 60584-1 -200°C +600°C DIN 43710 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 0°C +2300°C ASTM E988-90 -200°C +800°C GOST 3044-84 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 110 Belastungsstabilität ........≤ 0,01% d. Messspanne / 100 Ω Belastungswiderstand ......... ≤ (V -3,5) / 0,023 A [Ω] Versorgung Externe 2-Draht-Versorgungsbereich ..3,5...26 VDC Wirkung der externen 2-Draht Versorgungsspannungsänderung....< 0,005% d. Messspanne / V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 111: Konfiguration Der Sensorfehlerüberprüfung

    CSA 22.2 -25, -142, -213 ANSI/ISA-12.00.01 / 12.12.02 UL, Standard for Safety ......UL 61010-1 SIL ............... IEC 61508 d. Messspanne = der momentan gewählten Messspanne Konfiguration der sensorfehlerüberprüfung Sensorfehlerüberprüfung: Gerät: Konfiguration Fühlerfehlererkennung ERR.ACT=NONE - OUT.ERR=NONE. 9116 Sonst: 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 112: Visualisierung Im 4501: Eingangssignal Außerhalb Des Bereichs

    Fühler-Kurzschluss Fühler gebrochen oder Alle SE.BR Leiter-Widerstand zu hoch LIN.R Für Lin. R_0%≥ ca. 18 Ω SE.SH Fühler-Kurzschluss Fühler gebrochen oder Alle SE.BR Leiter-Widerstand zu hoch TEMP Pt100 bis Pt1000 und Ni50 bis Ni1000 SE.SH Fühler-Kurzschluss 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 113: Fehleranzeige

    CPU FLASH-Fehler* Hardware Fehler MR.ER CPU RAM-Fehler* Hardware Fehler MS.ER CPU Spannungsversorgungs-Fehler* Hardware Fehler MP.ER CPU ProgFlow-Fehler** Hauptinitalisierung Hardware Fehler MI.ER Selbsttest fehlerhaft Hardware Fehler DE.ER Geräte-Fehler* Ungültiger Code Checksumme Hardware Fehler FC.ER im 4501 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 114 Wenn der Fehler ein Sensorfehler ist, blinkt das Hintergrundbeleuchtung auch - dies kann besätigt (eingestellt) werden bei Drück von 3. Fehler wird durch Wegnahme der Versorgungsspannung zurück gesetzt! ** Fehler greift nur bei TE-Eingang. *** Fehler wird durch Durchschalten der Grundeinstellungen zurück gesetzt. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 115: Anschlüsse

    51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 51 52 53 54 ausgänge Strom 2-Draht-Umformer Relais (Aktiver Ausgang) (Passiver Ausgang) 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 N.O. - mA 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 116: Blockdiagramm

    Potentiometer +24V 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 117: Signalfehler- Und Kabelfehler Erkennung Ohne Frontdisplay

    Kabelfehler Erkennung ohne Frontdisplay 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 118: Konfiguration / Bedienung Der Funktionstasten

    Dokumentation für das Flussdiagramm. grundsätzliches Bei der Konfiguration des 9116 werden Sie durch alle Parameter geleitet und Sie können die Einstellungen wählen, welche zur Applikation passt. Für jedes Menü existiert ein scrollender Hilfetext welcher automatisch in der 3. Zeile im Display gezeigt wird.
  • Page 119 Das Relais ist so lange aktiv, wie die Versorgungsspannung anliegt. oFF: Das Relais ist deaktiviert. signalanstieg/-abfall: Das Relais kann bei ansteigenden oder abfallenden Eingangssignal aktiviert werden. verzögerung: Ein AN- sowohl als auch ein AUS-Verzögerungssignal kann im Bereich von 0...3600 s programmiert werden. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 120 100%) angelegt und der aktuelle Wert wird über das 4501 einge- geben. Wenn Sie die Kalibrierung akzeptieren, wird das Gerät mit den neuen Werten übernommen. Wenn Sie später diese Werte verwerfen oder andere Parameter eingeben, wird die Werkskalibrierung übernommen. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 121 Power Rail: Im Menü ”Rail” können Sie wählen, ob Sensor-Fehler an die zentrale Überwachung im Power Control Unit PR 9410 weitergegeben werden sollen. safety integrity level (sil): Für Details sehen Sie bitte im Sicherheitshandbuch (Safety Manual) nach. 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 122 Txt 6 Txt 6 TC.B TC.E TC.J TC.K Fortsetzung auf Seite 123 TC.L TC.N TC.R TC.S Flussdiagramm ADV.SET TC.T TC.U TC.W3 CONN TC.W5 TC.Lr TC.K ADV.SET SENSOR TC.TYPE Txt 2 Txt 10 Txt 18 Txt 31 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 123 1.5 = Nur wenn die Konfiguration nicht durch Passwort 1.1 = Nur wenn durch Passwort gesichert. gesichert ist. Wählbare EINHEITEN: mm/s m3/min m/min m3/h in/s l/min UNIT Txt 9 ft/s gal/min in/min gal/h mils ft/min in/h mbar ft/h m/s2 [blank] 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 124 Txt 19 REL.FUN Txt 19 20-4 20-0 23mA 4-20 850.0 0/3.5mA 0-20 -200 -199.0 NONE 4-20 23mA 150.0 O.RANGE OUT.ERR OUT.LO OUT.HI RESP. Txt 37 Txt 38 Txt 41 Txt 42 Txt 39 Zum Normal-Zustand 1.0 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 125 OPEN 9999 LOCK Bestätigung der SIL-Konfiguration 2008 LOCK SETUP EN.SIL NEW.PAS CONFIG SIL.OK Txt 43 Txt 64 Txt 55 Txt 66 ....9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 126: Scrollender Hilfstext Im Display Zeile 3

    Eingabe Neuen Passworts Wähle FENSTER Funktion - Relais steuert 2 Schaltpunkte [56] Ermögliche Schnelleinstellungs-Funktionalität Wähle SCHALTPUNKT Funktion - Relais steuert 1 [57] Relais Schaltpunkt - Drücke 3 zum Speichern Schaltpunkt [58] Relais Schaltpunkt - Nur lesen 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 127 Versorgung kurz unterbrechen [88] FLASH Memory Fehler - Konfiguration kontrollieren [89] Ungültige Konfiguration oder Version [90] Hardware-Fehler [91] CJC Sensor-Fehler - Geräte-Temperatur kontrollieren [92] CJC Fehler - CJC Stecker Terminal kontrollieren [93] Keine Kommunikation 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 128: Grafische Abbildung Der Relaisfunktion „Fenster

    Relaisfunktion „Fenster“ 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 129: Grafische Abbildung Der Relaisfunktion „Schaltpunkt

    Relaisfunktion „schaltpunkt“ Eingangs- Einschaltverzögerung signal Ausschaltverzögerung Schaltpunkt (steigend) Hysterese Zeit Relais eingeschaltet Geschlossen Relaiskontakt (N.O.) Offen 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 130: Appendix

    UK, FR, DE, DK FM installation drawing safety manual 9116 - Product Version 9116-001...
  • Page 131 For Installation in Zone 2 / Division 2 the following must be observed. The 4501 programming module is to be used solely with PR electronics modules. It is important that the module is undamaged and has not been altered or modified in any way. Only 4501 modules free of dust and moisture shall be installed.
  • Page 132 9116QI01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 30 V 30 V 120 mA 120 mA 900 mW 900 mW 3 nF 3 nF 1 μH 1 μH Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Group Lo/Ro Group...
  • Page 133 4-20 mA Power max: 16 VA / 32 W Loop-powered Current max: 0.5 A AC / 1 A DC transmitter 9116 Power Rail Relay output, terminal (13,14) Non hazardous area installation Voltage max: 250 VAC / 30 VDC Power max:...
  • Page 134 32 VAC/ 32 VDC Power max: 16 VA / 32 W 0/4-20 mA Current max: 0.5 A AC / 1 A DC Current source 9116 Power Rail Relay output, terminal (13,14) Non hazardous area installation Voltage max: 250VAC / 30VDC 4501...
  • Page 135: Atex Installation Drawings, Uk, Fr, De, Dk

    For installation in Zone 2 / Division 2 the following must be observed. The 4501 programming module is to be used solely with PR electronics’ modules. It is important that the module is undamaged and has not been altered or modified in any way.
  • Page 136 9116QA01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 30 V 30 V 120 mA 120 mA 900 mW 900 mW 3 nF 3 nF 1 μH 1 μH Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Group Lo/Ro Group...
  • Page 137 For installation in Zone 2 / Division 2 the following must be observed. The 4501 programming module is to be used solely with PR electronics’ modules. It is important that the module is undamaged and has not been altered or modified in any way.
  • Page 138 Zone 2 installation: Current source Voltage max: 32 VAC/ 32 VDC Power max: 16 VA / 32 W 9116 Current max: 0.5 A AC / 1 A DC Power Rail Relay output, terminal (13,14) Non hazardous area installation Voltage max:...
  • Page 139 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Schéma d’installation ATEX 9116 Pour une installation sûre du 9116B vous devez observer ce qui suit. Le module sera seulement installé par un personnel qualifié qui est informé des lois, des directives et des normes nationales et internationales qui s'appliquent à...
  • Page 140 9116QA01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 30 V 30 V 120 mA 120 mA 900 mW 900 mW 3 nF 3 nF 1 μH 1 μH Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Group Lo/Ro Group...
  • Page 141 Puissance max. : 16 VA / 32 W Transmetteur Courant max. : 0,5 A ca / 1 A cc alimenté par la boucle 4-20 mA 9116 Sortie relais, bornes (13,14) Power Rail Installation en zone non dangereuse Tension max. : 250 Vca / 30 Vcc Puissance max.
  • Page 142 Tension max. : 32 Vca / 32 Vcc Source de courant Puissance max. : 16 VA / 32 W 0/4-20 mA 9116 Courant max. : 0,5 A ca / 1 A cc Power Rail Sortie relais, bornes (13,14) Installation en zone non dangereuse Tension max.
  • Page 143 4501 Für die Installation in Zone 2 / Division 2 ist Folgendes zu beachten: Das aufsteckbare Frontdisplay 4501 zur Programmierung ist ausschließlich mit PR electronics- Geräten zu verwenden. Es ist wichtig, dass das Display unbeschädigt ist, nicht umgebaut oder in irgendeiner Weise verändert wurde.
  • Page 144 9116QA01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 30 V 30 V 120 mA 120 mA 900 mW 900 mW 3 nF 3 nF 1 μH 1 μH Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Group Lo/Ro Group...
  • Page 145 4-20 mA Leistung max.: 16 VA / 32 W 2-Draht-versorgter Strom. max.: 0,5 A AC / 1 A DC Messumformer 9116 Power Rail Relais-Ausgang, Klemme (13,14) Installation in nicht-Ex-Bereich Spannung max.: 250 VAC / 30 VDC 4501 Leistung max.: 500 VA / 60 W Strom.
  • Page 146 0/4-20 mA Zone 2-Installation: Stromquelle Spannung max.: 32 VAC / 32 VDC Leistung max.: 16 VA / 32 W 9116 Strom. max.: 0,5 A AC / 1 A DC Power Rail Relais-Ausgang, Klemme (13,14) Installation in nicht-Ex-Bereich Spannung max.: 250 VAC / 30 VDC 4501 Leistung max.:...
  • Page 147 9116QA01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK ATEX Installationstegning 9116 For sikker installation af 9116B skal følgende overholdes: Modulet må kun installeres af kvalificerede personer, som er bekendt med national og international lovgivning, direktiver og standarder i det land, hvor modulet skal installeres. Produktionsår fremgår af de to første cifre i serienummeret.
  • Page 148 9116QA01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 30 V 30 V 120 mA 120 mA 900 mW 900 mW 3 nF 3 nF 1 μH 1 μH Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Group Lo/Ro Group...
  • Page 149 Max. forbrug: 16 VA / 32 W 2-trådsforsynet Max. strøm: 0,5 A AC / 1 A DC transmitter 9116 Power Rail Relæudgang, klemme (13,14) Installation i ikke Ex-område Max. spænding: 250 VAC / 30 VDC Max. forbrug: 500 VA / 60 W Max.
  • Page 150 Max. strøm: 0,5 A AC / 0,3 ADC 0/4-20 mA strømkilde Zone 2 installation: Max. spænding: 32 VAC / 32 VDC 9116 Max. forbrug 16 VA / 32 W Power Rail Max. strøm: 0,5 A AC / 1 A DC Relæudgang, klemme (13,14)
  • Page 151: Fm Installation Drawing

    For Installation in Zone 2 / Division 2 the following must be observed. The 4501 programming module is to be used solely with PR electronics modules. It is important that the module is undamaged and has not been altered or modified in any way. Only 4501 modules free of dust and moisture shall be installed.
  • Page 152 9116QF01 LERBAKKEN 10, 8410 ROENDE DENMARK Module 9116B1 Module 9116B2 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Terminal 51-52, 51-53 Ui, Vmax 30 V Ui, Vmax 30 V Ii, Imax 120 mA Ii, Imax 120 mA 900 mW 900 mW 3 nF 3 nF 1 μH 1 μH Module 9116B1...
  • Page 153 62.5 VA / 32 W Current max: 0.5 A AC / 0.3 ADC Zone 2 installation: Voltage max: 32 VAC/ 32 VDC 4-20 mA 9116 Power max: 16 VA / 32 W Loop-powered Power Rail Current max: 0.5 A AC / 1 A DC...
  • Page 154 32 VAC/ 32 VDC Power max: 16 VA / 32 W 0/4-20 mA Current max: 0.5 A AC / 1 A DC Current Source 9116 Power Rail Relay output, terminal (13,14) Non hazardous area installation Voltage max: 250 VAC / 30 VDC 4501...
  • Page 155: Safety Manual

    Safety manual unIVeRSal COnVeRteR 9116 this safety manual is valid for the following product versions: 9116-001 Version No. V1R0...
  • Page 156 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual 0 COntentS 1 observed standards ..................... 2 acronyms and abbreviations ..................3 Purpose of the product ....................4 assumptions and restrictions for use of the product ..........4.1 Basic safety specifications .................. 4.2 safety accuracy ....................4.2.1 Minimum span ..................4.2.2 Range limitations ..................4.3 associated equipment ..................4.3.1 RtD or linear resistance sensor wiring ............ 4.3.3 Process calibration .................. 4.3.4 analogue output ..................4.3.5 Relay output ..................... 4.4 Failure rates ......................
  • Page 157 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR 15 Fault reaction and restart condition ................16 User interface ....................... 16.2 Routing diagram ....................16.3 Routing diagram - advanced settings (aDV.set)..........17 connections diagram ....................Version No. V1R0...
  • Page 158: Observed Standards

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual Observed standards standard Description Functional safety of electrical / electronic / programmable electronic iec 61508 safety-related systems iec 61508- Part 2: Requirements for electrical / electronic / programmable electronic 2:2000 safety-related systems iec 61508- Part 3: software requirements 3:1998 iec 61326-3- immunity requirements for safety-related systems 1:2008 acronyms and abbreviations acronym / Designation Description abbreviation term defined by iec 61508 as “part of a subsystem comprising a single component or any element group of components that performs one or more element safety functions” this is the likelihood of dangerous safety function Probability of Failure PFD failures occurring on demand. on Demand the term “Probability” is misleading, as iec Probability of danger- 61508 defines a Rate. ous Failure per Hour...
  • Page 159: Assumptions And Restrictions For Use Of The Product

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR assumptions and restrictions for use of the product Basic safety specifications operational temperature range.... -20...+60°c storage temperature range...... -20...+85°c Power supply type, min...... Double or reinforced supply voltage ......... 19.2...31.2 VDc Relay output pulse length, min....70 ms loop supply .......... >16.5 V @ 20 ma external loop supply voltage .... 5...26 VDc + external drop (Passive output) Mounting area .......... Zone 2 / Division 2 or safe area Mounting environment ...... Pollution degree 2 or better Safety accuracy the analogue output and relay output corresponds to the applied input within the safety accuracy.
  • Page 160: Process Calibration

    4.3.4 analogue output the connected safety Plc shall be able to detect and handle the fault indications on the analogue output of the 9116 converter by having a NaMUR Ne43-compliant current input. 4.3.5 Relay output the relay output shall only be connected to equiment which has a current limiting function of 2 a.
  • Page 161: Functional Specification Of The Non-Safety Functions

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR For RtD and linear resistance input sensors, cable resistances of up to 50 W per wire can be compensated if 3- or 4-wire connection is configured. For thermocouple sensors, cold junction temperature errors can be compensated, either by an internally mounted temperature sensor, or by an accessory connector with a built-in temperature sensor. the selection of cJc measurement must be done and verified by the end user. functional specification of the non-safety functions the status relay (terminal 33 and 34), error signal on power rail (terminal 91) and leD outputs are not suitable for use in any safety instrumented Function. Safety parameters RtD, tc, linR and Potentiometer input, current output Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour (PFH) 4.30e-08 Note Probability of failure on demand (PFD) - 2.82e-04 1 year proof test interval Proof test interval (10% of loop PFD) 4 years safe Failure Fraction RtD, tc, linR and Potentiometer input, Relay output Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour (PFH) 6.20e-08 Note Probability of failure on demand (PFD) - 4.03e-04 1 year proof test interval Proof test interval (10% of loop PFD) 3 years safe Failure Fraction Voltage input, current output Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour (PFH) 5.60e-08...
  • Page 162: Hardware And Software Configuration

    Description of the “safe state”, relay output contact open (relay de-energized) Relay lifetime (Note 2 ) 100 000 times Note 1 : the 9116 contains no lifetime limiting components, therefore the PFH figures are valid for up to 12 years, according to iec 61508. Note 2 : the user must calculate the product lifetime with regard to the relay lifetime. Hardware and software configuration all configurations of software and hardware versions are fixed from factory, and cannot be changed by end-user or reseller. this manual only covers products labelled with the product version (or range of versions) specified on the front page.
  • Page 163: Failure Category

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR failure category failure rates (1/h) for RtD, tc, linR and Potentiometer input, current output Fail safe Detected 0.000e-0 Fail safe Undetected 2.78e-07 Fail Dangerous Detected 3.52e-07 Fail Dangerous Undetected 4.30e-08 failure rates (1/h) for RtD, tc, linR and Potentiometer input, Relay output Fail safe Detected 0.000e-0 Fail safe Undetected 3.59e-07 Fail Dangerous Detected 2.30e-07 Fail Dangerous Undetected 6.20e-08 failure rates (1/h) for Voltage input, current output Fail safe Detected 0.000e-0 Fail safe Undetected 3.95e-07 Fail Dangerous Detected 4.79e-07...
  • Page 164: 10 Periodic Proof Test Procedure

    Repair of the device and replacement of circuit breakers must be done by PR electronics a/s only. 12 maintenance No maintenance required. 13 Documentation for routing diagram the routing diagram is shown in section 16.2. 13.1 In general When configuring the 9116, you will be guided through all parameters and you can choose the settings which fit the application. For each menu there is a scrolling help text which is automatically shown in line 3 on the display. configuration is carried out by use of the 3 function keys: 1 will increase the numerical value or choose the next parameter 2 will decrease the numerical value or choose the previous parameter 3 will accept the chosen value and proceed to the next menu When configuration is completed, the display will return to the default state 1.0. Pressing and holding 3 will return to the previous menu or return to the default state (1.0) without saving the changed values or parameters.
  • Page 165: 13.2.2 Sensor/Cable Fault Information Via Display Front 4501

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR 13.2.2 Sensor/cable fault information via display front 4501 When the function is enabled and supported by selected input type, sensor or cable faults are displayed as se.BR (sensor break) or se.sH (cable short-circuited). in case of sensor or cable fault the backlight flashes. this can be reset by pressing the 3 key. When the sensor or cable fault has been remedied, the device will return to normal operation. 13.3 advanced functions (aDV.Set) the device gives access to a number of advanced functions which can be reached by answering “Yes” to the point “aDV.set”.
  • Page 166: Simulation (Sim)

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual 13.3.7 Simulation (SIm) it is possible to override the actual measured input signal by a simulated value. in the Rel.siM menu it is posible to simulate the relay state with out affecting the analogue output, by pressing . leaving the simulation menus, or disconnecting the 4501 device, will disable the simulation mode and bring the output back to correspond to the actual measured value. simulation is not possible in sil-mode. 13.3.8 Safety integrity level (SIl)
  • Page 167 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR Pt.tYPe Pt sensor type (for seNsoR = Pt): 10 = Pt10 20 = Pt20 (No short circuit detection!) 50 = Pt50 100 = Pt100 200 = Pt200 250 = Pt250 300 = Pt300 400 = Pt400 500 = Pt500 1000 = Pt1000 Ni.tYPe Ni sensor type (for seNsoR = Ni): 50 = Ni50 100 = Ni100 120 = Ni120 1000 = Ni1000 tc.tYPe thermocouple type (for seNsoR = tc): tc.B = thermocuple type B tc.e = thermocuple type e tc.J = thermocuple type J tc.K = thermocuple type K tc.l = thermocuple type l tc.N = thermocuple type N tc.R = thermocuple type R tc.s = thermocuple type s tc.t = thermocuple type t tc.U = thermocuple type U tc.W3 = thermocuple type W3 tc.W5 = thermocuple type W5 = thermocuple type lr cJc type for seNsoR = tc: iNt = internal cJc sensor measurement coNN = cJc connector measurement (accessory) Version No. V1R0...
  • Page 168 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual coNNec selected sensor connection type for RtD or linear resistance measurements (for seNsoR = Ni or Pt or iN.tYPe = liN.R): 2W = 2-wire 3W = 3-wire 4W = 4-wire if 2W or 3W is selected, the end user must ensure that the applied sensor wiring does not introduce failures exceeding the requirements for the safety application. R 0% 0% input range for linear resistance measurements (for iN.tYPe = liN.R). this value must be < (R 100% - minimum span), refer to 4.2.1 R 100% 100% input range for linear resistance measurements (for iN.tYPe = liN.R) this value must be > (R 0% + minimum span), refer to 4.2.1 UNit selected temperature unit for iN.tYPe = teMP...
  • Page 169: 14.1.2 Parameters Related To Relay Output

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR 14.1.2 Parameters related to Relay Output Rel.UNi Relay Units (for iN.tYPe ≠ teMP): PeRc = Relay setpoint in percent of input range. DisP = Relay setpoints and hysteresis values relates to DisP.lo and DisP.Hi (display units) Rel.FUN Relay Function: oFF (Note 3 ) = Relay is always oFF PoW (Note 3 ) = Relay is always oN if power is applied eRR = Relay is activated when sensor error is present WiND = Relay is activated when input signal is between setP. lo and setP.Hi values setP = Relay is activated when input signal reaches setP value coNtac. Relay contact function: N.c. = Normaly closed relay contact (for Rel.FUN = setP) N.o. = Normally open relay contact (for Rel.FUN = setP) o.i.W = Relay contact open inside Window (for Rel.FUN = WiND) c.i.W = Relay contact closed inside Window (for Rel.FUN = WiND) setP. Relay setpoint value in Rel.UNi units for iN.tYPe ≠ teMP or in UNit for iN.tYPe = teMP. (for Rel.FUN = setP) setP.lo Relay setpoint low value in Rel.UNi units for iN.tYPe ≠ teMP or in UNit for iN.tYPe = teMP. (for Rel.FUN = WiND) setP.Hi...
  • Page 170: 14.1.3. Parameters Related To Analouge Output

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual eRR.act Relay sensor error action (for Rel.FUN = setP, WiND or eRR): only relevant if iN.tYPe = teMP, cURR and i.RaNGe = 4-20, PotM or liN.R and R 0% is ≥ 18. NoNe (Note 3 ) = sensor error detection Not enabled (Note 4 ), relay state at sensor error is undefined. (Not for Rel.FUN = eRR) oPeN = Relay contact is open at sensor error clos = Relay contact is closed at sensor error HolD (Note 3 ) = Relay contact holds the state as before sensor error occurred. (Not for Rel.FUN = eRR) oN.Del Relay oN delay from setP or setP.lo/Hi is crossed in units of seconds (for Rel.FUN = setP or WiND) oFF.Del Relay oFF delay from setP +/- HYst or setP.lo/Hi +/- HYst is crossed in units of seconds (for Rel.FUN = setP or WiND) Note 3 : Value not allowed if the relay is used in a safety application (eN.sil = Yes) and iN.tYPe = cUR and loop supply is used to supply a current input signal. Note 4 : error detection is enabled if oUt.eRR ≠ none, but relay state at sensor erroris undefined. 14.1.3. Parameters related to analouge output...
  • Page 171: Verification Procedure

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR oUt.lo selected temperature value for 0% output for iN.tYPe = teMP in units defined by the UNit parameter (°c or °F) Range is defined by the selected temperature sensor (seNsoR and tc.tYPe, Ni.tYPe or Pt.tYPe), but value must be less than oUt.Hi - minimum span. oUt.Hi selected temperature value for 100% output for iN.tYPe = teMP in units defined by the UNit parameter (°c or °F). Range is defined by the selected temperature sensor (seNsoR and tc.tYPe, Ni.tYPe or Pt.tYPe), but must be larger than oUt.lo + minimum span. ResP analogue output response time in seconds. Range is 0.0 to 60.0 seconds. Use the applied process calibration values: No = the last performed process calibration is not used. the channel operates with accuracy as specified.
  • Page 172: 14.2.1 If No Password Is Set

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual 14.2.1 If no password is set action Display shows Press oK aDV.set set (aDV.set) to Yes and press oK setUP set setUP to sil and press oK eN.sil set eN.sil to Yes and press oK NeW.Pas set password to a number between 0 and coNFiG 9999 and press oK Verify (at this time the device starts operating oPeN->locK (Note 7 ) in sil mode with the entered configuration parameters!) Press oK to confirm verification of the oPeN- iN.tYPe >locK in the display Verify input type and press oK i.RaNGe Verify fixed input current range and press oK coNNec (oNlY if iN.tYPe = cURR) Verify sensor connection type and press oK UNit (oNlY if iN.tYPe = teMP and seNsoR = Ni or Pt...
  • Page 173 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR action Display shows Verify cJc type and press oK V.RaNGe (oNlY if iN.tYPe = teMP and seNsoR = tc) Verify fixed input voltage range and press oK R 0% (oNlY if iN.tYPe = Volt) Verify input resistance 0% range and press oK R 100% (oNlY if iN.tYPe = liN.R) Verify input resistance 100% range and press oK UNit (oNlY if iN.tYPe = liN.R) Verify display units for 4501 and press oK Dec.P (oNlY if iN.tYPe ≠ teMP) Verify display decimal point for 4501 and press oK DisP.lo (oNlY if iN.tYPe ≠ teMP) Verify display value for 4501 at 0% input and DisP.Hi press oK (oNlY if iN.tYPe ≠ teMP) Verify display value for 4501 at 100% input and Rel.UNi press oK (oNlY if iN.tYPe ≠ teMP) Verify relay setpoint units and press oK Rel.FUN (oNlY if iN.tYPe ≠ teMP) Verify relay function and press oK coNtac. Verify relay contact function and press oK setP. (oNlY if Rel.FUN ≠ oFF or PoW) Verify relay setpoint and press oK setP.lo (oNlY if Rel.FUN = setP)
  • Page 174 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual action Display shows Verify relay activation direction and press oK HYst (oNlY if Rel.FUN = setP) Verify relay setpoint hysteresis and press oK eRR.act (oNlY if Rel.FUN = setP or WiND) Verify relay action on sensor error and press oK oN.Del (oNlY if Rel.FUN = setP, WiND or eRR and the selected input type and range support sensor error detection, refer to section 4.3.2) Verify relay oN delay and press oK oFF.Del (oNlY if Rel.FUN = setP or WiND) Verify relay oFF delay and press oK o.RaNGe (oNlY if Rel.FUN = setP or WiND) Verify fixed output range for current output oUt.eRR Verify fixed output value on detected sensor error oUt.lo and press oK (oNlY if iN.tYPe ≠ Volt, or iN.tYPe = cURR and i.RaNGe ≠ 0-20 ma) Verify temperature for 0% output and press oK oUt.Hi (oNlY if iN.tYPe = teMP) Verify temperature for 100% output and press oK ResP (oNlY if iN.tYPe = teMP) Verify analogue output response time and press oK Verify the use of applied process calibration values PassW. and press oK Verify password and press oK sil.oK...
  • Page 175: 14.2.2 If Password Is Set

    (refer to section 13.3 - advanced functions), it is mandatory that the accuracy of the device (and sensor, if applicable) are tested. 15 fault reaction and restart condition When the 9116 detects a fault the outputs will go to safe state, in which the outputs will be “de-energised”. if the fault is application-specific (cable error detection) the 9116 will restart when the fault has been corrected. Power cycle the device for bringing it out of safe state. Version No. V1R0...
  • Page 176: 16 User Interface

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual 16 user interface [01] set correct password [19] select oFF function - relay is permanently off [02] enter advanced setup menu? select PoWeR function - relay indicates power [03] select temperature input status oK select Potentiometer input select eRRoR function - relay indicates sensor select linear resistance input error only select current input select WiNDoW function - relay is controlled by 2 select Voltage input setpoints [04] select 0.0-1 V input range select setPoiNt function - relay is controlled by 1 select 0.2-1 V input range setpoint select 0-5 V input range [20] select Normally closed contact select 1-5 V input range select Normally open contact select 0-10 V input range [21] set Relay setpoint select 2-10 V input range [22] select action on decreasing signal [05]...
  • Page 177 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR [58] Relay setpoint - Read only [59] select language [60] Use process calibration values? [61] set value for low calibration point [62] set value for high calibration point [63] enable Rail status signal output? [64] enable sil configuration lock? 0...20 ma is not a valid output range for sil operation [65] is channel using process-compensated calibration data? [66] configuration sil status (open / locked) [80] sensor short circuit [81] sensor wire breakage [82] Display underrange [83] Display overrange [84] input underrange [85] input overrange [86] input error - check input connections and reset power [87] output error - check input connentions and reset power...
  • Page 178 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual 16.2 Routing diagram Power up Fast setpoint adjustment and relay test 50.0 1 increase setpoint SETP. Txt 57 2 Decrease setpoint 3 save and exit the menu  1 and 2 simultaneously = change relay state 30.00 2-10 VOLT 12.00mA 0-10 LIN.R 1111 POTM 111.1 CURR 0000 999.9 0.2-1 11.11 TEMP (70 units) 9999 -199.9 1.111 0000 VOLT 2-10 UNIT 111.1...
  • Page 179: Routing Diagram

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR ROutInG DIaGRam if no key is activated for 1 minute, the display will return to the default state 1.0 without saving configuration changes. 1 increase value / choose next parameter 2 Decrease value / choose previous parameter 3 accept the chosen value and proceed to the next menu Hold 3 Back to previous menu / return to menu 1.0 without saving 999.9 DISP -199.9 PERC 100.0 DISP continued on the next page DISP.HI REL.UNI Txt 14 Txt 15 1.0 = Default state. line 1 shows 1.3 = only if input types support input status. line 2 sensor error check. toggels between process Not valid for these input value and UNit. line 3 signals: 0...20 ma and shows output and taG No. voltage. line 4 shows status for 1.4 = only if input signal is relay and communication and whether the device is temperaure.
  • Page 180 9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual SETP WIND HOLD CLOS N.O. INCR 262.5 3600 3600 OPEN N.C. -200 DECR 0000 0000 NONE SETP N.O. 50.0 INCR NONE REL.FUN CONTAC SETP. ACT.DIR HYST. ERR.ACT ON.DEL OFF.DEL Txt 19 Txt 20 Txt 21 Txt 22 Txt 23...
  • Page 181: Routing Diagram - Advanced Settings (Adv.set)

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR 16.3 Routing diagram - MEM, DISP, PASS, LANG, advanced settings (aDV.Set) CAL, RAIL, SAVE SIM, SIL LOAD SAVE SETUP MEMORY Txt 43 Txt 44 A.OUT DISP TAG.1 A.OUT SETUP CONTRA LIGHT TAGNO DISP Txt 43 Txt 45 Txt 46...
  • Page 182: 17 Connections Diagram

    9116 UNiVeRsal coNVeRteR safety Manual 17 Connections diagram Power Rail supply and connections status relay 91 92 93 94 95 31 32 33 34 N.c. Gnd. Gnd. error signal +24 V +24 V Nc = no connection Inputs: *tc, tc, internal cJc RtD, 2-wire RtD, 3- / 4-wire sensor cJc connector 41 42 43 44 41 42 43 44...
  • Page 183 Displays Programmable displays with a wide se- lection of inputs and outputs for display of temperature, volume and weight, etc. Feature linearisation, scaling, and difference measurement functions for programming via PReset software. Ex interfaces Interfaces analogue digital signals as well as HART signals between sensors / I/P ®...
  • Page 184 PR electronics AB August Barks gata 6A tel. +46 (0) 3149 9990 S-421 32 Västra Frölunda fax +46 (0) 3149 1590 PR electronics UK Ltd Middle Barn, Apuldram Chichester tel. +44 (0) 1243 776 450 West Sussex, PO20 7FD...

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