Menu 30 – GP Outputs 4, 5, 6
The SR-4 and RM-6 have 6 GP Outputs in total. On the SR-4 the outputs are TTL and active
high. On the RM-6 the outputs are Open Collector and Active Low.
The functions of GP Outputs 4, 5, 6 are determined by this setting:
Scratch pad stores "Shift-1", "Shift-2", "Shift-3" are used as timecode coincidence
detectors, the GP Outputs are active when the master timecode is the same as
the stored value. e. g. to fire GP Output 4 at 01:00:00:00, enter 01:00:00:00 to
the keyboard display then [Store] followed by [Shift] followed [1].
GP Output 4 (pin 6): RECORD ON High for one frame at 'Rec Adv' before the
record in point.
GP Output 5 (pin 19): RECORD OFF High for one frame at 'Rec Adv' before the
record out point.
GP Output 6 (pin 7): Streamer Trigger High for one frame at a Preset time
(Nominal 3 seconds, scratch pad store "Shift-9" is used to set the streamer
advance) before the Record In point or before Scratch pad store "9".
[Recall] or [Store] followed by [Record] will access the Rec Adv memory.
[Recall] or [Store] followed by [Shift] followed by [9] will access the Streamer
Advance memory.
GP Outputs 4, 5, 6 are used with a parallel remote control as encoded tallies.
GP Outputs 4, 5, 6 are used as encoded outputs to indicate the current selected
Port A = 000, Port B = 001, Port C = 010, Port D = 011, Port E = 100.
4=Master GP Outputs 4, 5, 6 are used as encode outputs to indicate the current selected
Master Port.
Port A = 000, Port B = 001, Port C = 010, Port D = 011, Port E = 100
GP Outputs 4, 5, 6 are used as encoded machine control outputs when the
Reader is selected. For example when used with a Telecine.
Stop = 000, Play = 001, Rvs Play = 010, Fast Fwd = 011, Fast Rvs = 100,
Rvs Crawl = 101, Fwd Crawl = 110.
GP Output 4 (pin 6): Red Light High during pre-roll and record.
GP Output 5 (pin 19): Beep High for one frame three times at 0.6 second intervals
before the record in point.
GP Output 6 (pin 7): Streamer Trigger High for one frame at a Preset time
(Nominal 3 seconds, scratch pad store"Shift-9" is used to set the streamer
advance) before the Record In point or before Scratch pad store "9".
[Recall] or [Store] followed by [Record] will access the Rec Adv memory.
[Recall] or [Store] followed by [Shift] followed by [9] will access the Streamer
Advance memory.
2017 CB Electronics
Clavier de contrôle TFT
Menu 30 – GP outputs 4,5,6
Page : 22