General fi tness tips
Consult your physian
Before you start using this fi tness equipment, it is recommended that you fi rst get a physical examination
by your family physician or by a specialist. Before starting regular exercises on this equipment, you must
fi rst get your doctor's approval. When you feel discomfort during your training on the equipment, you need
to immediately consult your family physician. Intelligent use, meaning responsible use of this equipment is
crucial. Make sure that no children are near you when you are using this equipment. Moreover, make sure to
store the equipment in a safe place away from children.
Wear comfortable clothing
Always wear comfortable clothing when you are using the equipment, including gym shoes. Do not wear
loose clothing that can tear during use.
Inspect your equipment
Prior to using your equipment, make sure that all nuts and bolts are properly tightened. Regular maintenance
is very important to keep the equipment in good condition.
Set your own pace
The intensity level of your workout on this equipment depends on your own condition. If you have not been
in training for some years or if you are overweight, it is recommended that you start slowly with only a few
minutes per week.
At fi rst you will be able to do the exercises for only a few minutes but this will improve within 6 to 8 weeks. Do
not let yourself get discouraged if this takes a few weeks more. It is important for you to set your own pace. In
the end you will be able to keep on exercising for more than 30 minutes. The better your condition, the more
diffi cult it will become to stay at this level. But be aware of the following:
Consult with your physician before you start your training programme. Let him/her advise you about the
training programme as well as about your diet.
Start your training at an easy pace and do not aim too high at fi rst. Aside from this exercise with the
equipment, also engage in extra activities, for instance, jogging, swimming, dancing, and biking. Regularly
check your heart rate. If you do not have a counter, ask your family physician how you can best check your
heart rate. Determine your desired heart rate. Take into consideration your age and condition.
Make sure that you drink enough when training on this equipment. You need to keep drinking to prevent
dehydration. The liquids you take in must be at room temperature. Limit your intake of cold drinks.
Check your heart rate
To be able to check your heart rate, you fi rst need to know how to measure it. The easiest way is to press your
fi ngertips against the artery in your neck, between the muscles and the air passages. Count the number of
pulses for 10 seconds and multiply by 6. This will give you your heart rate per minute.
Exercise within your own capabilities
What level of heart rate do you have to maintain during your exercises? Ask your physician to give you
guidelines that are relevant for you.
Heartbeat level 50-
(beats per minute)
20 Jaar
25 Jaar
30 Jaar
35 Jaar
40 Jaar
45 Jaar
50 Jaar
55 Jaar
60 Jaar
65 Jaar
70 Jaar
heart rate
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