3.2 Floor protection
Unless the fireplace stove is installed on a 100% non-flammable floor, it is necessary to place the stove on a
non-flammable insulation mat, e.g. metal plate (at least 2mm thick), ceramics, hardened glass, stone, in order to
prevent the flammable floor to exceed a temperature of 50°C during operation in accordance with ČSN 73
According to of ČSN 06 1008/1997, the insulation mat must exceed the fireplace by at least
30cm in the vertical direction from the stove stoking door.
10cm in the horizontal direction from the stove stoking door.
Items made of flammable materials may not be placed on top of or at a less-than-safe distance from the
fireplace stoves.
3.3 Chimney fire prevention measures:
Ordinary operation, especially with humid fuel, leads to the settling of ash and tar in the chimney. Neglecting
regular checking and cleaning of the chimney in accordance with the government regulation no. 34/2016
Coll. from 22
2016 increases the danger of fire.
In case of ash or tar catching fire in the chimney, please follow this procedure:
- do not under any circumstances extinguish the fire with water as it would create an abnormal amount of
steam and subsequently rip the chimney open
- if possible, the combustion chamber should be covered with dry sand, which will extinguish the fire
- close all intakes of air for combustion; if possible, cover the chimney. However, the smoke must not
accumulate back in the house
- contact your nearest fire fighting brigade to assess the situation and the necessity to report it as a fire
fighting emergency
- do not leave the house until the chimney is burned up; regularly check the chimney temperature and the
course of combustion
- contact a chimney service before starting a new fire in the stove to assess the state of the chimney and also
contact the manufacturer of the fireplace stove for inspection.
4. Assembly regulations
Warning: All local regulations, including regulations concerning national and European standards for
this type of appliances, must be adhered to:
ČSN 73 4230/2014 - Fireplaces with open and closable furnace
ČSN EN 13229/2002+A1/2003+A2/2005 - Built-in heating appliances and open fire inserts for solid fuel
ČSN EN 13240/2002+A2/2005 - Room heaters fired by solid fuel
ČSN 73 4201/2016 ed.2 - Chimneys and connecting flue pipes - Design, construction and installation of
heating appliances
ČSN EN 1443/2004 - Chimneys – General requirements
ČSN EN 13501-1+A1/2010 - Fire classification of construction products and building elements
ČSN 06 1008/1997 - Fire protection of heating appliances
Decree No. 268/2011 Coll. - Technical conditions of fire protection of buildings
4.1 General
The fireplace stoves must be installed on a floor with an adequate bearing capacity. If the existing
arrangement does not meet this basic requirement, necessary steps must be taken (e.g. using a mat for
distributing the load). Make sure that there is enough space for cleaning the fireplace stove, connecting flue
pipes and the chimney unless the chimney can be cleaned from other place, e.g. a roof or through doors
designed for this purpose.
4.2 Chimney connection
Before assembling the closed fireplace stove it is necessary to calculate that the chimney construction will be
suitable for the installed fireplace stove nominal output as far as design, vent size and effective height are
A suitable chimney (minimum profile, chimney draft, tightness, etc.) is a basic condition for the proper
functioning of the fireplace stoves. You should therefore contact a chimney sweeper before installing the
fireplace stove. Chimney values are included in the attached technical sheet. A smoke shutter or a draft regulator
should be installed for chimneys with too strong a draft. Such a draft can cause problems during operation, e.g.
intensive burning, high fuel consumption and can also lead to permanent damage of the fireplace stove.
The minimum effective height of the chimney for exhaust gas from the stove is 5m (measured from the hoop
to the chimney mouth). The chimney entry must be equipped with a chimney hoop. Consult the vent connection
with the vent manufacturer. The vents must lead at least 5cm below the lower ceiling. Connect the flue mouth
with the chimney in the shortest possible way so that the flue length is at most 1/4 of the effective height of the
chimney (i.e. 1.5m). Connect the flue tube and the knee together with an overlap in such a way that the
connections always agree with the exhaust gas flow, or abut using the connection rings. If the connecting piece
passes through construction elements with flammable materials, it is necessary to use protective measures in
accordance with ČSN 06 1008/1997. The norm states that the flue pipe needs to rise to the vents in the direction
of exhaust flow with a degree of at least 3°. The tightness and firmness of the joints is crucial. The chimney and
stove connection must adhere to ČSN 73 4201/2016 ed.2. The casing of the chimney must not exceed a
temperature of 52°C during the highest operation temperature of the stove. The cross section of the flue pipe
vents must not be larger than the cross section of the chimney vent and it must not narrow down in the direction
of the chimney. If calculations show that the cross section of the flue pipe and chimney vent could be smaller
than the cross section of the exhaust throat of the fireplace stove, the cross section of the flue pipes will be
lowered immediately behind the exhaust throat of the fireplace stove, either gradually or at a discrete point. The
flexible flue pipe from the materials in accordance with table A.1. may only used in places where it may be
checked in accordance with 7.2.1 ČSN 73 4201/2016 ed.2, and unless the flue pipe leads through an open air its
checkability must be ensured in accordance with 7.2.5 ČSN 73 4230/2014. A vertical flue pipe may only be
used in the cases listed in 8.3.4 and 8.3.5 ČSN 73 4230/2014.
The fireplace stove may be connected to a shared vent with a gas appliance for multi-layer chimneys in
accordance with ČSN 73 4201/2016 ed.2.
Leakage of water into the product when using a vertical flue with a chimney function is not a reason
for a complaint!
When installing STORCH KAMINE GMBH fireplace stoves in the FRG in compliance with article 6.2.2 of
the DIN 18 896 norm, the fireplace stoves can be connected to a shared chimney.
5. Operation manual
5.1 Fuel
It is only allowed to burn wood in fireplace stoves in accordance with law No. 201/2012 Coll.. To reach the
nominal parameters of the heater, we recommend using dry logs with a diameter of 5-8 cm and length of 20-30
cm and with a humidity below 20% (ideally 10%). Oven wood and chopped pieces of wood should be used
only when starting the fire. Recommended humidity can be obtained by storing the chopped logs for at least two
years in a ventilated shelter.