tolerance, the effect of ambient humidity and
temperature on measurement accuracy, and
seasonal changes in ethanol content.
IMPORTANT: E85 fuel can absorb small amounts
of water - even from humidity in the air - which
can affect the tester's measurement of the ethanol
percentage. Minimize the time that a fuel sample
is exposed to the atmosphere before it is tested
for ethanol percentage. If the fuel sample obtained
from the fuel rail is not tested for ethanol percentage
within 15 seconds, discard that sample and obtain
a fresh sample. Any amount of water/moisture in
the fuel mixture will change the chemical properties
of the mixture. The accuracy of the J-44175-A
Fuel Composition Tester can be affected by any
form of moisture that can be held in suspension
by the ethanol.
Tester Set-Up and Verification
Follow the instructions in the tester set-up and
tester verification section in the front of this manual
before obtaining the fuel samples.
Fuel Quality - Water
Water contamination in the fuel system may cause
driveability conditions such as hesitation, stalling,
no start, or misfires in one or more cylinders.
Water may collect at the bottom of the fuel tank,
near a fuel injector, or at the lowest point in the
fuel rail and cause a misfire in that cylinder.
Large amounts of water will separate from the fuel
if a fuel sample is allowed to settle for a few
minutes. If the fuel system is contaminated with water,
inspect the fuel system components for rust or